I am currently working with WBT as an Official WBT Blog Bug! I am part of a wonderful team with Misty from Think, Wonder & Teach and Melissa from WBT with Scrapbunny working on all things WBT blog related!
You can now search the over 80 WBT Blogs on our new, updated Master WBT Blog List via Google Docs!!
We've accumulated all of the WBT Blogs we could find and organized them for quick and easy use. This list allows
you to search WBT Blogs by:
- Grade Level/Focus
- Name
- Years of WBT Experience
- Location
- Special Notes
*This information is taken from Blogger profiles, blog posts and the WBT Forum. If anything information is outdated or incorrect please comment below and we will change it ASAP.
*There are some blogs that we are still missing information from and are currently displaying an "NA" under certain headings. If you would like to supply the information for your blog please comment below and we will update it ASAP.
*If you would like your blog added to this list, please comment below and we will work on getting it added ASAP.
A Whole Brain Teacher (AKA a Wibbeteer)
- Allison teaches in a 2nd Grade class in Texas, United States. Alison discovered
WBT in 2009 and is an official WBT Intern for the 2011/2012 year!
A Whole Brain Teaching Journey with Mrs. Harding
- Mrs. Harding is a 3rd Grade teacher in Oregon, United States. She found WBT
in the spring of 2011 and has been hooked ever since!
Aud's Whole Brainer Blog
- Aud has only blogged twice and I don't have any information for him/her but I keep
this blog on my list anyways!
Charles Huntley's Whole Brain Teaching Classroom
- Charles is a 4th Grade teacher based out of Florida, United States. Charles has
been using WBT since 2009 and is a leader in his school, assisting other teachers
with WBT strategies.
Chris Rekstad & WBT
- As one of the founders of WBT, Chris has been there since the beginning! He is
now teaching at an Elementary School in California as well as still actively
presenting WBT seminars.
Collecting Apples
- Christine is currently teaching 5th Grade in Michigan, United States.
She has been using Whole Brain Teaching in her classrooms for
almost four years and has found that WBT has made her and her
students much happier!
Data Junkie Goes Whole Brain
- Corinne is a 5th Grade teacher from Arizona, United States. WBT
was actually introduced to her by administration during her first year
of teaching (yay!) and posts really insightful posts that make you think.
Down Under Teacher
- Kylie is a 2nd Grade teacher from Queensland, Australia! She just
found Whole Brain Teaching this year and although she was
apprehensive at the start she has loved how effective the strategies
have been.
EduKate with Whole Brain
- Kate is a 3rd Grade teacher in Deloware, United States. She has been using WBT
for over 3 years and has been selected as a WBT Intern for the 2012/2013 year!
Fun in Room 4B
- Elizabeth is a 4th Grade teacher from South Carolina, United States.
She found Whole Brain Teaching through teaching blogs and is
getting ready to go full WBT in her class next year!
Heather Hansen 2011/2012 WBT Intern
- Heather teaches in a 3rd Grade classroom but also has experience in Kindergarten
to Grade 6. She has used WBT since 2010 and, like her blog states, she is a WBT
Intern for the 2011/2012 year!
Jackie's Whole Brain Teaching Blog
- Jackie is a Gifted & Talented specialist from Utah, United States. Jackie has
been using WBT since 2007 back when it was still "Power Teaching". She is
also an Administrator on the WBT Forum.
Joy Button's Amazing Journey with WBT
- Joy has been selected as a WBT Intern for the 2012/2013 year! She is new to the
blogging world and I don't have any information on her but I'm sure her blog will
soon fill as she becomes an intern!
Joyful One
- Even if you haven't visited her blog before, you'll probably recognize Deb Weigel
from many of the WBT videos on the WBT website or on their YouTube channel.
- Deb teaches in Yuma, Arizona and is a great resource when it comes to learning
about WBT; she even presents WBT seminars!
Kelli's Whole Brain Classroom Experience
- Kelli teaches Kindergarten and although she was working towards being a WBT
intern, her most recent blog post shared that her school was against blogging about
the classroom. I am keeping her on the list anyways because the few posts she has
shares some good information.
Laura's WBT Journey
- Laura has taught everything from K-12 in her 18 years as teacher and has been
using WBT since early 2010. She is a leader in her school as well as a WBT
Intern for the 2011/2012 year!
Luria Learning Blog
- Sacha Luria has been a teacher for over 10 years and has done an incredible
amount of research and observation to discover what works well in classrooms.
She now share this information on her blog.
- Although her blog is not devoted to WBT like the rest of this list, she often
shares her experiences with WBT in various blog posts.
Middle School Math
- This math teacher based out of Oklahoma, United States has recently
started learning more about Whole Brain Teaching and I can't wait to
see more posts from them!
Mr. Fallis
- Mr. Fallis is a former All-American football player turned 4th Grade
teacher from Ohio, United States. He takes all different types of
teaching strategies and modifies them to best fit his classroom. He
has all types of videos that you can access!
Mr. K's Whole Brain Teacher Blog
- Bill teaches Grade 4 Math & Science out of Texas, United States. He has
been using WBT strategies for almost 2 years and has attended some of the
conferences as well!
Mrs. Crooks WBT Experience
- Mrs. Crooks teaches Grade 3 & 4 in Pennsylvania, United States. She discovered
WBT in August of 2010 and hasn't turned back since! Her WBT posts are very
detailed and I find them really helpful when I am learning about a WBT strategy that
I haven't tried yet.
Mrs. Molnar's Whole Brain Teaching Log
- Mrs. Molnar teaches Grade 9 Physics out of Pennsylvania, United States.
She has been using WBT for about two years and has a great WBT
Forum presence as well.
Mrs. Norton's Whole Brain Teaching Journey
- Mrs. Norton teaches Grade 5 in California, United States. Mrs. Norton's principal
actually introduced her to WBT (yay for administration support!) in 2009 and she
is serving as a WBT Intern for the 2011/2012 year!
Mrs. Shipley's Fabulous Firsties
- Mrs. Shipley and her husband co-teach in a Grade 1 classroom in Texas, United
States. They have been using WBT for over 4 years now and she has been part
of the WBT Training Team for 1 year!
Mrs. Slatton's Kindergarten
- Mrs. Slatton is a Kindergarten teacher from Kentucky, United
States. She has started her blog to connect with other teachers
using WBT so I recommend everyone stop by!
Mrs. Smith's 1st Grade Class
- Like her blog title suggests, Mrs. Smith teaches 1st Grade in
Tennessee, United States. She began using Whole Brain Teaching
in her classroom this year and is moving towards being certified!
Mrs. Stoltenberg's Second Grade Class
- If you have been on the WBT Forums you are probably already familiar with
Mrs. Stoltenberg!
- She is a 2nd Grade teacher from California, United States and serves as a
Director of WBT Certification.
Mrs. Valdes' Whole Brain Teaching
- Jan is a 3rd Grade teacher from Nevada, United States. Although she
has been using Whole Brain Teaching in her classrooms for almost
four years now she is new to the blogging world. Her posts have some
great pics of her classroom.
Musical Bits & Techie Bytes
- Anne is a music and technology teacher from South Dakota, United States.
She has several great topics that she blogs about and is currently working
towards obtaining her Whole Brain Teaching certification!
Musical Musings with Mrs. Lukow
- Kristin is a music teacher from the Heartland of the United States. She uses
Whole Brain teaching in her music classroom and has great updates on what
her classroom is up to.
My WBT Adventure
- Peggy teaches Grade 1 in Arizona, United States. She has been using WBT
for a few years and works at the same school as Deb Weigel so I'm sure she
has a great WBT support team :)
My WBT Classroom
- Mrs. Voliand is a 3rd Grade teacher from Arizona, United States. She just
finished her first year of using WBT and is looking forward to attending some
conferences this summer to learn even more!
My Whole Brain Blog
- Carole Seubert is an Elementary teacher from Maryland, United States. She
discovered WBT a few years ago and has been selected as a WBT Intern for
the 2012/2013 year!
My Whole Brain Teaching Blog
- Liann is a 1st Grade teacher from British Columbia, Canada, making her the only
other Canadian WBT blogger (besides me) that I have found so far! She has been
using WBT since 2010 and is serving as a WBT Intern for the 2011/2012 year!
PAWsitively Wild for WBT
- Deanna is a 3rd Grade teacher who was introduced to Whole Brain Teaching last
year as she prepared to move to 3rd Grade from another classroom. She has been
introducing WBT strategies over time and is ready to go full force!
Ramsey's Resources
- Georgia is a Kindergarten teacher from Oklahoma, United States. She found
WBT during her student teaching placement (just like me!) and has continued
to use it ever since.
Room for Improving
- Dave is a Multi-Grade teacher in the United States and only the 2nd male blogger
on the list! He has been using WBT for a few years and is serving as a WBT Intern
for the 2011/2012 year!
Sheltering Vocab and Circulating Grammar Around the World
- Kerby is a Spanish teacher using the TPRS program from Utah, United States. He
has translated WBT strategies into Spanish and has been using them for over a
- This website also serves as a social networking site for TPRS teachers.
- Mrs. Shepherd is a 4th Grade English teacher from Lousiana, United States. She
has been using Whole Brain Teaching strategies in her classroom for a while now
and loves the change in her classroom environment!
Southern Teacher WBT
- Miss Julie is a 3rd Grade teacher from Lousiana, United States. She has been
using Whole Brain Teaching strategies for the past 2 years and has an
adorable blog set up to document her adventures.
Sweet Times in First
- Sandra is a 1st Grade teacher from Arizona, United States and has a ridicously
adorable blog! She has been using WBT in her classroom for a little over a year
and has great posts about her strategies, complete with pictures.
Teaching - Another Day in Paradise with WBT
- Another male WBT blogger! Jason is a Middle School teacher from New Mexico,
United States. He has been using WBT for a few years and uploads really helpful
posts that describe what worked/didn't work in his classroom.
The Whole Brain Blogger
- Rand is currently teaching 3rd Grade in Oregon, United States. Rand's blog
documents the first year of Whole Brain Teaching in their 3rd Grade class. I
can't wait to read more from this blog!
Think, Wonder & Teach
- Misty has extensive experience as a Kindergarden to Grade 4 teacher. She first
found Whole Brain Teaching after her son was diagnosed with an issue dealing
with his brain and is now well on her way to being Whole Brain Teaching
- This is Mr. Fallis' original blog (see his current one earlier on this list). He
has added a few different teaching styles together which lead to creating a
new blog that wasn't just dedicated to WBT. I believe, however, that this
original blog still has lots of good posts!
- Dana is a Middle School Social Studies teacher from Wyoming, United States.
She has been using WBT strategies since 2008 and is a WBT Intern for the
2011/2012 year!
WBT in the Middle
- Mr. Wilson is a middle school teacher who has a resource classroom as
well as a ELA classroom. He has used WBT for over a year and got the
co-teacher in his ELA classroom hooked as well!
WBT with Scrapbunny
- Melissa is a Grade 1 teacher from California, United States. She has used WBT for
over 4 years as a technology teacher and then a classroom teacher and always has
great posts about what is new with WBT!
WBT with Susan
- Susan is a Title 1 Reading Teacher from Missouri, United States. She first started
using WBT 3 years ago and is a WBT Intern for the 2011/2012 year!
Whole Brain Paradise
- Bethany is a 1st Grade teacher from Arizona, United States. She describes
herself as a "rookie Wibbeteer" but has posted some great posts as she
learns more about WBT. She is also very active on the WBT forums.
Whole Brain Teacher
- This blog is by a Grade 6/7 Math teacher from Ohio, United States. They found
WBT in 2010 and has had their students show great leadership in the classroom!
Whole Brain Teaching
- This blog is by a 2nd Grade teacher from Texas, United States. He has been
using WBT strategies for almost 7 years now!!
Whole Brain Teaching
- Staci is a 3rd Grade teacher who first learned about Whole Brain Teaching
back in 2009! Over the years she has incorporated more and more strategies
and is now just getting ready for her newest maternity leave.
- Staci is also a WBT Intern for the 2011/2012 year!
Whole Brain Teaching with Mrs. Chavez
- Mrs. Chavez is a 2nd Grade teacher from California, United States. She
found Whole Brain Teaching in 2010 after a tour of another school in her
district. She has been doing so well and has even worked on making
some of her own classroom videos!
Whole Brain Teaching with Roxi Shayne
- Roxi was the FIRST WBT blog I began following! She is a Grade 9 teacher in
Louisiana, United States. Roxi has been using WBT for about 2 years and has
shared some wonderful WBT videos from her own class.
Whole Brainiacs
- This blog is by a 3rd Grade teacher from Texas, United States. She incorporated
some WBT strategies into her classroom in the past but this year is her first year of
implementing it full time.
- April is a Kindergarten teacher in Florida, United States. She is new
to Whole Brain Teaching but not new to the blogging world! I know
that she is plunging into the WBT pool this summer and I can't wait to
read updates on how she is doing.
Writing the Whole Brain Way
- Denise is a Kindergarten/Grade 1 teacher from California, United States. She has
been using WBT since 2010!
Yearn to Learn
- Denise is currently teaching Grade 3 and is spending this summer learning more
about Whole Brain Teaching strategies. Although she has already been using some
strategies in her classroom she really wants to work towards using it to its full
I know you have been awarded the Liebster Blog award, but I just love your blog and wanted to post you again, so on the 12th...there you will be :) Enjoy your summer!
ReplyDeleteThanks Roxi!! I can't wait to check out your post :)
DeleteYou may have already received the Our Lovely Blog award but I wanted to give it to you again! Great Blog check it out at :
ReplyDeleteThank you Jill! That means so much coming from another WBT blog, especially since you are a history teacher like me! :) I am heading over to your blog right now to check it out