
Tuesday 20 August 2013

Summer #EdTech To-Do List Revisited

     At the beginning of the summer (oh geez, was that already 2 months ago!?) I shared my Summer #EdTech To-Do List inspired by a blog post by Anthony Vonbank. For the last five summers I have always worked two jobs to pay for the upcoming year's school tuition, so I always considered myself very busy. This is my first summer since Grade 8 that I haven't worked at all during the summer! I thought that this would mean that I wouldn't be busy and was actually worried that I might be bored! HAHA! With the wedding, honeymoon, and planning for my first classroom, I've been more busy this summer.
miss l whole brain teaching, #edtech, ed tech summer to-do list, summer tech list for teachers
Technology is a given. (2013). Uploaded by Scott McLeod to Flickr. Available online at: 
     As school starts up again, I wanted to revisit my original post to see how I did in regards to accomplishing the items on my #EdTech To-Do List. How did you make out with your list?

- Create/update an About.Me page
        * I updated mine after the wedding to include my new name :)
- Create/update your online portfolio. I suggest Weebly; it is free, easy
   to use, and aesthetically-pleasing. 
        * I updated mine this summer to include my new name & new job
- Create/update your Twitter profile & develop/organize a PLN
        * I updated mine after the wedding to include my new name
- Sync your online networks to form a cohesive online presence
  (Same updated info, same profile picture, etc)
        * I still need to make sure all my profile pictures are the same, but the
           info is all the same and updated
- Develop an online presence for your classroom. It can be a classroom
  Twitter account, a webpage, a wiki, a Facebook page/group, a blog, etc.
  Think about what best suits your students & run with it!
        * I've created both a classroom website & a classroom blog for my class!
* Read my post about digital identity to learn more about online presence.

Summer #EdTech To-Do List Online Presence Grade: 4/5



- Participate in a MOOC (massive open online course). Check out
  the MOOC List to see what is coming up.
        * Unfortunately I never found the time to participate in any type of
           MOOC this summer
- Tune into a Twitter chat. Some of my favourites are:
        - #ntchat,
        - #edchat,
        - #cdnedchat
        * This was something I completed multiple times over the summer, I
           would be lost without Twitter chats!
- Check out the resources available from some great ed tech curators.
  The following are a must-see if you haven't checked them out before:
       - Larry Ferlazzo's "Best Lists"
       - ICT Magic
       - Cybrary Man
       * I spent a lot of time curating resources for my classes & these websites
          were always my starting base, thank you!

Summer #EdTech To-Do List Professional Development Grade: 2/3



- Check out the backwards-by-design & new MB report card frameworks
  available through the mRLC (Manitoba Rural Learning Consortium). Everything
  a Manitoba teacher could ask for!
        * This website was a lifesaver as I made my way through my Math & Science
            planning this summer
- Familiarize yourself with the Bloom's Taxonomy chart of iPad apps.
        * Not only have I used it, but I printed it off and placed it on our school's
           iPad cart!
- Check out the ever-growing supply of Ted ED lessons that feature videos,
  articles, comprehension questions & online discussions.
        * The available lessons is still growing & I've found some really neat ones
           to include in my Math, Science AND Art classes

Summer #EdTech To-Do List Planning Grade: 3/3

     Overall I am very pleased with how I made out with my Summer #EdTech To-Do List. If you know me, however, I will be continuing to maintain and complete this list throughout the school year as well.

     How did you make out with your own Summer #EdTech To-Do List? Share your thoughts!
- Did you try anything new and exciting?
- Did you accomplish a big project?
- Did you have challenges completing something?

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