
Monday 19 August 2013

Resources To Start Off Your Week 75

     I am both excited and nervous as I write this post as it is my LAST Resources To Start Off Your Week post before I am back at school. Next week I begin my new teacher orientation although students will not return to classes until September 5th. When I first started these posts in January of 2011 I never thought that I'd still be doing them when I was preparing my first classroom! As always, I will be adding these to my ever-growing list of resources under the Fav Websites heading.

1 ) Math is Fun
- This website is a one-stop-shop for your math class. It features
  online lessons, practice questions, games and more!
- I've linked to this website in quite a few of my math units
  because their online lessons are a great resource for students to
  review at home for extra practice or if they missed the in-class
math resources, math is fun
2 ) Wonderground
- This "modern day treasure hunt" allows users to explore various
  American cities to discover the vast connections between history,
  technology, and innovation.
- Through interactive maps, articles, 360 degree images, and videos,
  users can explore some of the most amazing features of these cities
  and make connections to their lives.
- This website could be a really neat addition to a social studies
  classroom or provide a good basis for students who are wanting
  to learn more about these communities!

3 ) ASAP Science YouTube Channel
- This YouTube Channel posts weekly Science videos that
  are perfect for engaging students in the subject. Featuring over
  50 videos, this channel posts everything from The Science of
  Aging and Amazing Facts to Blow Your Mind to The Science
  of Super Heroes and Which Came First: The Chicken or The
- These videos could be really good for activating students interest
  and/or engaging students who may not like Science class.

Happy Monday everyone!


  1. The "Wonderground" website is SERIOUSLY cool! I did the first couple activities, and I can't wait to keep going! =)

    Third Grade in the First State

    1. I'm glad you like it Meghan! It is definitely neat. I found that I was learning so many awesome facts that I can't wait to explore in real-life if I ever visit in person :)


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