
Monday 5 August 2013

Resources To Start Off Your Week 73: August Long Weekend Edition

     Hope everyone had a relaxing and memorable August long weekend. To all of my American teachers, good luck with your students this week! To all of my Canadian teachers, we only have ONE month left to prep; lets get our butts in gear! To celebrate the long weekend I am featuring four awesome resources that can be used in the classroom. As always, I will be adding these to my lists of resources under the Fav Websites heading.

1 ) Science 360
- This website is an awesome resource if you are looking for
  good quality science videos for your classroom. In addition to
  shorter film clips, this website also features full series that cover
  a variety of topics.
- Users can search videos by a specific series or by topics such as
  space, chemistry, the environment, etc. Science 360 also offers an
  iPad App, podcasts, and news-based website!

science videos, educational science videos, science videos for kids, science videos for the classroom, science360

2 ) Canadian Geographic for Kids
- The kids page on the Canadian Geographic site features a lot
  of educational information and engaging activities that can easily be
  brought into the classroom for a variety of subjects.
- Students can read through articles, play educational games, explore
  various maps, read through fun facts, watch videos, get homework
  help, or access the interactive atlas.
- This website would be a great one to bookmark on your classroom
  computer for when students are done early or are working on
  research projects.

canadian geographic for kids

3 ) Choose 2 Matter
- "Choose2Matter is a call to leadership and an accelerator to connect
   individuals and communities with a conscience. It combines technology, 
   innovation and mentorship to solve problems that matter. It's an important
  opportunity for business, brands, and communities to join forces in the
  causes and issues most important to those they lead and serve. What has been
  inspired by students, has lead to the official launch and creation of CHOOSE 2
  MATTER - a crowd sourced, social good community."
- This can be a great website if you are looking for take-action projects to
  undertake with your students. It could also be used as a launching platform
  for inspiration if students are interested in helping out in their own community
  but aren't sure of what kind of project to do.

choose to matter, take action project ideas

5 ) 16 Useless Infographics
- I love finding applicable infographics to share with my students
  and have had them create their own infographics a few times as well.
  This image gallery features 16 different infographics that are... well...
  pretty much useless. In addition to displaying the infographic, there is
  a short explanation about why the infographic is ineffective and what
  could be changed to make it more appropriate.
- This is a good gallery to share with your students if they are working
  on creating their own infographics because it provides good models of
  what not to do!
- If you want to read more about using infographics in the classroom,
   read my previous post.

infographics, making your own infographics, teaching students to create infographics

Happy Monday everyone, 
hope you had a great long weekend!


  1. Sounds interesting! I'm looking for educational video for kids with ADHD, my son is really interested in maps, so canadian geographic might work out well for him.

  2. Educational video for kids Famous Articles , Famous Videos , Shocking videos, TED videos, Quality Article, amazing videos, motivational content, fun and humour


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