
Saturday 3 August 2013

Cells & Systems Resources

     My last two posts were both "blog-hop" types of posts that, while fun and good networking options, don't actually provide a lot of content. As I sit down today and stare at my calendar in front of me the reality of August is actually hitting me; I will be back in my classroom in 24 days so I really need to focus in on my planning and get organized.

     I have previously shared the resources that I have found through my planning for my Grade 7 Science class but have not yet shared any of my other classes. While I am currently working on my Grade 9 Math planning, I have completed Grade 8 Science and wanted to share it with all of you! Maybe it will help in the final stages of your planning, enjoy!
grade 8 science curriculum Manitoba, grade 8 science, teaching about cells, teaching about body systems, cells and systems resources, grade 8 science resources
I made this Binder Cover to match the Substitute Teacher Binder template I created!
     I actually remember this entire unit from when I was in Grade 8 all those years back. While the teacher had her up and down days, you could tell that she was really into this unit because we got to do some really neat projects. I mean, she must have done well if I can remember it in detail 10 years after! This is the first unit of the year for the Grade 8 class and I really wanted to get them excited about science right from the start; I hope I did as good of job as my Grade 8 Science teacher.

Intro to Cells & Systems
Enduring Understanding: Cells are the building blocks of life and function around a specialized set of behaviours.             
8-1-01     Use appropriate vocabulary related to their investigations of cells and
                Include: cell theory, osmosis, diffusion, selective permeability, unicellular,
                multi-cellular, specialized cells and tissues, organs, systems, arteries,
                veins, capillaries, terms related to cell structure, heart structure,
                components of blood, and primary and secondary defence systems.
8-1-02     Identify characteristics of living things, and describe how different living
                things exhibit these characteristics.
                Include: composed of cells; reproduce; grow; repair themselves; require
                energy; respond to the environment; have a lifespan; produce wastes.
8-1-03     Describe cell theory.
                Include: al living things are composed of one or more cells; cells are the
                basic unit of structure and function of any organism; all cells come from
                pre-existing cells; the activity of an organism as a whole depends on the
                total activity of all its cells.
8-1-04     Identify major events and technological innovations that have enable
                scientists to increase our understanding of cell biology.

Plant & Animal Cells
Enduring Understanding: Different types of cells have different appearances, structures, functions, and processes.
8-1-05     Identify and compare major structures in plants and animal cells, and
                explain their function.
                Include: cell membrane, cytoplasm, mitochondria, nucleus, vacuoles, cell
                wall, chloroplasts.
8-1-06     Demonstrate proper use and care of the microscope to observe the general
                structure of plant and animal cells.
                Include: preparing wet mounts beginning with the least powerful lens;
                focussing; drawing specimens; indicating magnification.
8-1-07     Describe the movement of nutrients and wastes across cell membranes and
                explain its importance.
                Include: osmosis, diffusion, selective permeability.
8-1-08     Differentiate between unicellular and multi-cellular organisms.
8-1-09     Describe why cells and tissues are specialized in multi-cellular organisms,
                and observe examples.
                Include: specialization is needed because all cells in a complex organism
                do not have access to the external environment.
8-1-10     Describe structural and functional relationships among cells, tissues,
                organs, and systems.

The Circulatory, Respiratory, & Immune Systems
Enduring Understanding: Cell specialization allows for the development of systems, tissues, and organs in multi-cellular organisms.    
8-1-11     Describe the structure and function of the hearth and the path of blood to
                and from the heart through its four chambers.          
                Include: atria, ventricles, septum, valves, aorta, pulmonary artery,
                pulmonary veins, superior vena cava, inferior vena cava.
8-1-12     Compare and contrast the structure and function of arteries, veins, and
8-1-13     Identify components of blood and describe the function of each.
                Include: red blood cells carry oxygen; white blood cells fight infection
                platelets clot blood; plasma is the liquid part of blood that transports blood
                cells, dissolved material, nutrients, and waste products.
8-1-14     Describe, using examples, how individual systems in the human body
                function interdependently.
8-1-15     Compare heart rate and respiratory rate before, during, and after various
                physical activities; explain the observed variations; and discuss
                implications for overall health.
8-1-16     Identify components of the primary and secondary defence systems of the
                human body, and describe their roles.
                Include: primary defence system - skin, tears, ear wax, saliva, gastric
                juices, cilia hairs; secondary defence system - white blood cells,

Medical Advances
Enduring Understanding: Knowledge of cells, systems, and tissues have allowed for medical advancements that have enabled humans to better defend against disease and disorders.         
8-1-17     Identify medical advances that enhance the human body’s defence
                mechanisms and describe their effects on society.
8-1-18     Research and describe disorders/diseases that affect body systems, and
                identify possible preventative measures.
8-1-19     Describe functional similarities and differences of comparable structures
                and systems in different groups of living things

     In addition to hard-copy resources I have available in the school and from colleagues, I also started to organize some online resources to supplement our classroom activities. Here are the resources I found, organized by the themes I stated above. For each one I've included the title, a very brief point about what it includes, and the link. 

Intro to Cells & Systems

6 Characteristics of Life Song
- Musical option
- Sang to Where Have You Been: Rhianna

Cells From Other Cells Song
- Musical option
- Sang to Just The Way You Are: Bruno Mars

Plant & Animal Cells

Cell Size & Scale
- Large-group activity on SMART Board
- Interesting activity, similar to Scale of the Universe

Cell Image Library
- Good activity when microscopes aren’t available
- Center activity on iPads?

BioLogica 3D Cells
- Online lab, good if you don’t have supplies

Sheppard Software Cell Games
- Really good games & quizzes for plant, animal & bacteria cells
- Good for students who are done early or center activity option

Cell Structures
- Blood and plant cell lesson plans

Label the Cells
- Center activity or large-scale activity on the SMART Board

Cells Song
- Musical option
- Sang to Sail, Awolnation

Cell Craft Game
- Good review or enrichment activity, kind of hard

Cell Song (Lazy Song)
- Musical option, created by students

The Circulatory, Respiratory & Immune Systems

Structure of a Heart
- Dissection FULL lesson plan

Elastic Recoil in Arteries & Veins
- Dissection FULL lesson plan

Inner Body Online Lab
- Online lab
- Good for large-group activity

Circulatory System Song
- Musical option
- Sang to Carly Rae Jepsen

Zygote Body
- Build your own body & learn about body systems
- Needs good internet connection

Build a Body: Sponge Lab
- Chose from female or male, and then chose any body system
- Need to create a FREE account

Medical Advancements

- Disease Fact File
- Good intro activity

AR Lungs
- Interactive that shows what smoking does to your lungs
- Good for research project or demonstration

History of Vaccines
- Good overall resource
- Articles, images, “Illsville” game

I hope you find these resources as awesome as I do! 
If there is something you think I should add to my list let me know, I'd love to hear about the awesome things you are using with your class :)

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