
Tuesday 13 August 2013

Classroom Pictures *Update*

      In July I shared with you the first official pictures of my classroom. Since then I haven't done too much in regards to decorating, as I've been more focused on my curriculum planning, but I did spend an entire day their today! While I did begin to rearrange some furniture (I'm still playing with layouts) my primary focus was the GIGANTIC bookcase that was previously blocking the rooms bulletin boards.
This bookcase was screwed into the wall, the floor,
and covered all of the bulletin boards in my room!
The bookcase is now dismantled & my bulletin boards have
been freed!
     Thanks to our school's wonderful custodians, my bookcase is officially dismantled and moved into the hallway to await beautification! Unfortunately, the bookcases on the far left (with the cupboard doors) didn't make the move and had it be trashed but I still have all of the shelving. Today I sanded them down and began painting.
     The main frame of the bookcase is now black and I plan to paint the backing a bright blue to match our school colours. Tomorrow I will be putting on a second coat and they will be reassembled in my classroom! I am so happy to have this project underway, these cupboards were in serious need of some TLC!

Beige, vandalized, and stained.
Still needing a second coat & the backing painted blue, but they are looking better!
* Before*
Exterior Wall, no desks!
Exterior Wall: I've pushed my desk up against the wall to make more room
but I still need to add curtains to the windows.
(The bookcase will go against the South wall on the left of the picture)
View from the door
     Once the bookcase project is completed I can begin filling it up with the crazy amount of textbooks that my school has for my subjects! (Not saying I will use all of them, but they have to stay in my room) I can't wait to start decorating my bulletin boards and making the room more comfortable.


  1. Your room is coming together nicely. I can't wait for the big reveal ...of course that will mean it is back-to-work time, so maybe I can!

    1. Thanks Nothy! Haha I know that you mean. On one hand I am beyond excited for school to start because it is my first classroom ever, but on the other hand it means summer is over. I can't wait to show off the final product though!


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