
Tuesday 16 July 2013

The Earth's Crust Resources

     Back in May I shared some of my planning that I had done for my Interactions with Ecosystems unit for my Grade 7 Science class. While the planning has continued, I realized today that I haven't shared anything more through the blog. The Grade 7 Science curriculum consists of four different units so I thought that I would simply go in order and share the next unit's resources: The Earth's Crust.
grade 7 science manitoba curriculum, grade 7 science, earths crust unit plan, geology lesson plans, earths crust resources, teaching about the earth's crust
The Dynamic Earth Smithsonian Interactive. (2013). Uploaded by the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History. Available online at:
     I actually had a difficult time planning out this unit because I absolutely LOVE Geology. As such, I wanted to spend the entire year teaching just this and sharing as much information as possible. As we all know, however, there is a lot of other things to teach and I only have a month & a half to devote to this unit. I had a difficult time narrowing down what I wanted to include and will, of course, change things as we go depending on my students needs & interests.

Intro to Geological Processes
Enduring Understanding: The Earth, and its systems are not static structures; it has, and will continue to, change over time.          
7-4-01     Use appropriate vocabulary related to their investigations of  the Earth’s
                crust. Include: crust, mantle, outer core, inner core, weathering (physical,
                biological, & chemical), erosion, rock cycle, fossil fuel, geothermal energy, 
                continental drift theory, theory of plate tectonics.
7-4-02     Describe the Earth’s structure.Include: crust, mantle, outer core, inner core.
7-4-03     Describe the geological processes involved in rock and mineral formation,
                and classify rocks and minerals by their method of formation.
7-4-04     Investigate and describe the processes of weathering and erosion, and
                recognize that they cause changes in the landscape over time. Include: 
                physical, biological, and chemical weathering
7-4-05     Explain how rocks on the Earth constantly undergo a slow process of
                change through the rock cycle.

Resource Development
Enduring Understandings: Natural resources, such as fossil fuels & minerals, can be found in specific locations on the Earth due to the Earth’s crustal composition, formation and structure. Environmental, social, and economic factors influence human relationships with natural resources, including extraction and responsible management.          
7-4-06     Identify geological resources that are used by humans as sources of
                energy, and describe their method of formation. Include: fossil fuels, 
                geothermal energy
7-4-07     Identify geologic resources that are present in Manitoba & Canada, and
                describe the processes involved in their location, extraction, processing,
                and recycling. Include: fossil fuels, minerals
7-4-08     Identify environmental impacts of geological resource extraction, and
                describe techniques used to address these.
7-4-11     Identify environmental, social, and economic factors that should be
                considered in making informed decisions about land use.

Geological Theory Development
Enduring Understanding: There are various theories proposed to explain the Earth’s structure and formation. 
7-4-12     Describe evidence used to support the continental drift theory and 
                explain why this theory was not generally accept by scientists.
7-4-13     Describe evidence used to support the theory of plate tectonics, the role
                technology has played in the development of this theory, and reasons why
                it is generally accepted by scientists.
7-4-14     Explain geological processes and events using the theory of plate tectonics. 
                Include: mountain formation, earthquakes, volcanoes
7-4-15     Identify specialized careers involving the study of the Earth’s crust or the
                utilization of geological resources, and give examples of technologies used

                in each

     In addition to hard-copy resources I have available in the school and from colleagues, I also started to organize some online resources to supplement our classroom activities. Here are the resources I found, organized by the themes I stated above. For each one I've included the title, a very brief point about what it includes, and the link. 

Intro to Geological Processes

Smithsonian Dynamic Earth
- Gems, minerals, rocks, mining, plate tectonics, earth’s crust
- Webquest activity

Science Net Links - Physical Weathering Interactive
- wind, water, volcano, glacier
- Large group activity on the SMART Board

Glencoe Mineral Identification Virtual Lab
- Luster, colour, cleavage, fracture
- Optional activity if not enough in-class supplies

Geology Kitchen YouTube Video Series
- Minerals, formation, identification, igneous, metamorphic, sedimentary
- Utilized throughout theme

Interactics - Rock Cycle
- igneus, metamorphic, sedimentary
- Large group  activity on the SMART Board

Rock Cycle PowToon Video
- Let’s Get Rocked Song
- Igneous, metamorphic, sedimentary

Glencoe Weathering Virtual Lab
- Physical/mechanical and chemical
- Large group activity or option with science net links interactive

Layers of the Earth Rap
- Good review activity
- Black and Yellow rap

Resource Development

Fossil Fuels Eco-Stat
- General, coal, oil, natural gas
- Webquest activity or print-offs for supplementary activity

Center for Energy
- Manitoba Map with different types of resources (oil, natural gas, coal)

Center for Energy Canada Map
- Full map with various resource locations
- Can click on specific provinces

Scholastic Soil Erosion Lesson Plans & Resources
- Lab reports

Soil Layers Song
- soil profile, erosion (verticols, alfisols, things we might not talk about)
- Review Activity

Geological Theory Development

Interactives - Plate Tectonics
- Alfred Wagner, continents over time
- Large group activity

Earth’s Plates Eggshell Continents
- Show how plates “float” on the lithosphere around the earth

Continents Adrift: Continental Drift & Plate Tectonics
- 26 minutes

Inside Jobs - Geology Professions
- Video, stats and info on different jobs in the geology field


I hope you find these resources as awesome as I do! If there is something you think I should add to my list let me know, I'd love to hear about the awesome things you are using with your class :)


  1. So glad I found your blog! My new school supports WBT! Excited to get some ideas.

    Love that you are focusing on nonfiction - that's my passion right now!

    I am your newest follower! Come stop by if you get a chance :)

    The Sweetest Thing
    Follow me on Bloglovin'!

    1. Lauren, thank you for taking the time to comment! All of my WBT posts can be found through the WBT Certification tab at the top of the page if you are interested.

      Thank you for following and best of luck in the new school year :)

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