
Monday 15 July 2013

Resources To Start Off Your Week 70

     It is hard to believe that school is going to be starting again in LESS than two months. For my American followers, you are going to be back even sooner! Summer always seemed to be so long and now that I am planning for my own classroom there definitely doesn't seem to be enough time! As I'm prepping, I'm still finding a lot of resources for the classroom and it lends itself well to sharing through my blog. As always, I will be adding these to my lists of resources under the Fav Websites page!

1 ) Commonsense Media: Photo Sharing Poster for Students
- Appropriate media use, online bullying, sexting, etc have all been in
  the headlines over the past few years & it is important that we are
  teaching our students how to be using technology and various medias
- This infographic, by Commonsense Media, features a simple
  flowchart to look at BEFORE sharing photos with others. I think it
  opens up a lot of good ideas and I feel like most students will be able
  to look at this and understand what they should share (and what they
- This poster is going in my classroom!

commonsense media, teaching students appropriate media use, student media safety, photo sharing for students

2 ) Ted ED Lesson: How Do You Decide Where To Go In A Zombie Apocalypse?
- Whats an awesome way to make your Geography lesson relevant &
   meaningful for your students? Use zombies! Zombies are everywhere in
   movies, books, TV, video games, etc and this Ted ED lesson plays into this
- Using the zombie apocalypse as a storyline, this lesson teaches push and pull
   factors in geography. Like all Ted ED lessons it features a video, multiple
   choice questions, long answer questions, and a discussion option.

3 ) StoryToolz
- This website is a great resource for English teachers as well as students who
   are completing writing assignments! StoryToolz features tools such as story
   idea generators, conflict generators, story title ideas, and even a cliche buster
- StoryToolz can be a great tool to help your students who experience writer's
   block or to help your students get out of their shell and write about new ideas.

story toolz, story generators, author tools for students, story tools for students, help with writers block

4 ) Creative Commons Infographic
- You know I'm a big fan of promoting Creative Commons and appropriate
   attribution with my students. The availability of the internet allows our students
   to basically access the whole world at the touch of a button. Unfortunately,
   while many of our students can perform an appropriate search for information,
   they don't know how to appropriately use and reference that information.
- This inforgraphic is a very quick overview of the various Creative Commons
   symbols and their meanings. This is a perfect poster to hang in your computer

creative commons licenses, teaching about creative commons, creative commons poster

5 ) BrainStuff You Tube Channel
- The BrainStuff You Tube Channel strives to, "... explore - and explain - 
   the everyday science in the world around us on BrainStuff.". Vidoes
   are really interactive and feature audio explanations, diagrams, and
- Video topics include interesting questions like "Where is the best place to
  sit in the theater?" and "Why do we have eyebrows?".

Happy Monday everyone!

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