
Tuesday 2 July 2013

July Currently

  If you haven't encountered a "Currently" post before, it is just a fun post at the beginning of each month that serves as a way to share what is Currently going on in your life! You can link up and share your own "Currently" post by visiting the wonderful Farley over at Oh' Boy 4th Grade.  

     Happy July everyone! I have missed blogging SO much. In case you haven't noticed, my blog was seeing an increasing drop in posts throughout June... complete with a week and half absenteeism at the end of the month! This was the longest break in blogging I have taken since I began in
January of 2012 but I have a good reason, I promise. 

     On Saturday, June 29th, I made the plunge from "Miss L" to "Mrs. T"!! We had an amazing DIY wedding hosted at our family farm and were surrounded by an incredible group of family and friends. Needless to say, that took up a large chunk of my time and effort over the last little while (I promise I will post pictures when our photographer has them completed) but I am back in the blogging world in full force!

     I am also very excited to announce that I met my goal of 300 followers by the time of my 300th post! This is officially post 301 and I am boasting 301 followers! :) Furthermore, I've jumped up past the 200,000 page view mark as well!! A lot to celebrate in this household and I am currently working on putting together a giveaway to celebrate.

currently blog hop, oh boy 4th grade, farley's currently


  1. Congratulations! :)
    What an exciting time for you.
    You look beautiful.
    BTW- we share a special day!
    Your wedding day was also my bday!

    1. Thank you so much Antoinette and a very happy (belated) birthday! I hope you had an amazing day like I did :)

  2. Congrats on your wedding! You both look so happy and lovely!!! I was on vacation in upstate NY recently and thought of you! I know I don't know you but I know you live in Canada. I visited Niagara Falls and the 1000 Islands. Now that I am back in Texas, my teacher relatives in Calif shipped me 139 pounds of kid books for my classroom library. The rest of summer is for creating a library and entering them all into so that I have a check out system! We are never far from our classrooms, are we?

    1. Thank you Mrs. M! It is so sweet of you to be thinking of me :) I have never visited Niagara Falls but know several people who have and it is definitely on my bucket list!
      I am so jealous to hear of all the new books you are acquiring. I am slowly creating my classroom library and wish I had more! I was thinking about what to incorporate for a checkout system and had never heard of that website before, I am definitely going to check it out. Thank you so much!

  3. Congrats on your wedding!! I'm loving your dress -- you look gorgeous! -- but not so jealous of your no air conditioner problem! How are you planning to incorporate your new last name? Will your students still call you Ms. L? I've wondered about this for myself.


    The Absolutely True Blog of an Almost Teacher

    1. Thank you Emily! I loved my dress but it was SO hot to wear on such a humid day... air conditioning would have been much appreciated.

      My students will call me Mrs. Thompson but am having a more difficult time with the online presence thing. I have been "Miss L" through my blog, twitter, pinterest, various PLN sites for so long that I don't want to mess that up by switching over. Still debating...

  4. Congrats on your wedding! I'm about to celebrate my 2nd wedding anniversary, I wish you much happiness!


    1. Thank you for your kind words Christina and my thoughts and well wishes are going out to you and your husband on your anniversary! :)

  5. Congratulations! What a great excuse to slow down on blogging : ) Nice to find you on the Currently linky.
    Kids Math Teacher

    1. Thank you Lucy! It was a pretty good excuse I thought ;)


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