
Saturday 22 June 2013

Summer #EdTech To-Do List

     I recently read a post by Anthony VonBank over at his blog, Clouducation, in which he shared some of his #EdTech suggestions for summer. Since I am an #EdTech lover, my Twitter-Tried-It Challenge is still going on, and I'm now on the ManACE Board, I thought it was a perfect fit for me to create my own #EdTech To-Do List too! (Big thanks to Anthony for the inspiration!)
miss l whole brain teaching, #edtech, ed tech summer to-do list, summer tech list for teachers
Technology is a given. (2013). Uploaded by Scott McLeod to Flickr. Available online at: 
     While most of us can think of countless things we would like to try/work on/update/etc, it can often be hard to find the time during the school year. It is now, however, summer time and all of those things that got pushed to the back-burner during the school year can now be brought forward! Here is a list of tech-related activities that I suggest for the summer:

- Create/update an About.Me page. Check out my new one! :)
- Create/update your online portfolio. I suggest Weebly; it is free, easy
   to use, and aesthetically-pleasing. I used it to create mine!
- Create/update your Twitter profile & develop/organize a PLN
- Sync your online networks to form a cohesive online presence
  (Same updated info, same profile picture, etc)
- Develop an online presence for your classroom. It can be a classroom
  Twitter account, a webpage, a wiki, a Facebook page/group, a blog, etc.
  Think about what best suits your students & run with it!
* Read my post about digital identity to learn more about online presence.

- Participate in a MOOC (massive open online course). Check out
  the MOOC List to see what is coming up.
- Tune into a Twitter chat. Some of my favourites are:
        - #ntchat,
        - #edchat,
        - #cdnedchat
- Check out the resources available from some great ed tech curators.
  The following are a must-see if you haven't checked them out before:
       - Larry Ferlazzo's "Best Lists"
       - ICT Magic
       - Cybrary Man

- Check out the backwards-by-design & new MB report card frameworks
  available through the mRLC (Manitoba Rural Learning Consortium). Everything
  a Manitoba teacher could ask for!
- Familiarize yourself with the Bloom's Taxonomy chart of iPad apps.
- Check out the ever-growing supply of Ted ED lessons that feature videos,
  articles, comprehension questions & online discussions.

What is on your #EdTech To-Do List?
What would you add to this list?

* See Anthony's original, "Happy Summer! Now what? Summer #EdTech to-do list!" post. 

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