
Sunday 3 March 2013

App Show & Tell: Remind 101

     One our projects for our Internet for Educators class is to share an app that we use regularly or that we've just found. The app that I've chosen to highlight is one of my favourites, Remind 101. I've actually blogged about this app previously but since that was many months before this class began, I thought that my peers may have missed out on this information. With this in mind, I thought that I would "re-share" this app as I am a big fan and definitely plan on using it again during student teaching :)

     We don't have to be out in the classroom long before we begin hearing comments like:

"I forgot that at work."
"I was so busy last night by the time I got home I forgot."
"I can't remember that!"
 "That was due?!"
"Oh right, we're doing that today.... I don't have it."

     I get it, our students are very busy and most of them have after school sports, work one (or more jobs), care for younger siblings while their parents work evening shifts, etc. The Remind101 app, however, allows teachers to assist their students in remembering important classroom information without consistently nagging them or threatening consequences.

text your students, text parents, communicate with students after hours safely, remind 101
     Remind101 is an automated communication service that allows for teachers to text reminder messages to their students in the evening after school or in the morning before school. This site is SO EASY to use and in literally 5 minutes (probably less) I had set up an account for my class. Here is what I like best about Remind101.
1 ) Its FREE
I don't have the money to pay for lots of resources while I am student teaching

2 ) I NEVER see my students personal cell phone numbers
- They sign up by texting a pre-assigned code and all I see is the name they
  sign up with

3 ) I don't have to use MY personal cell phone number!

4 ) Sign up is SUPER EASY for myself and for students
- They provide a specific screen to show to your students when they are 
  getting setup
- I also included the signup screen image in our course outline itself

5 ) You don't need a SMART PHONE to utilize the service
- There are a lot of different apps out there that allow teachers to
   communicate with their students, share homework, and answer
   questions but what do you do for your students who don't have a smart
- I love that this app is more accessible for students

     Once students are signed up, I can see my list online of who is all using the service (remember, I don't see they cell phone numbers, just their names). I can then send out messages to be texted out (ex. Chapter 3 questions, #1-5, are due at the beginning of class tomorrow). I can even schedule messages beforehand so if I think of something while I am lesson planning, I can schedule an appropriate text to send out at the right time!

     I am pretty excited about this because I feel that cell phones are the easiest way to reach students at the high school level! During my last student teaching placement I used Remind101 with both my Grade 11 Canadian History class and my Grade 11/12 Global Issues class and heard positive comments from both classes :)


  1. This sounds great! I haven't heard of this app before. I'll have to give it a shot- thanks!

    Snaps for Fourth Grade

    1. Thanks for visiting Jennifer! If you start using it let me know how it works out for you :)

  2. My immediate thought was... this removes student responsibility and accountability! Then I thought about the many times and different methods I use when I need reminders to get stuff done... including having people text me and remind me! This would work well with students... and you would have proof for the one who always insists "You never told us that"!!

    1. I agree! I usually have to-do lists, reminders from Justin, text reminders, etc. I figured that this app is just another tool to assist my students. I can waste LOTS of time reminding students in class and losing class time while this reminds them while they are at home and it utilizes a platform that they are almost constantly using anyways!

  3. I signed up for Remind 101 last summer but I have not used it. I usually just email parents when I need to remind them of something. I also host a classroom website. Do you find Remind 101 to be a good complement?
    Also, I am hosting a Blog by Province Linky Party for Canadian bloggers. Please consider linking up While you are there you can grab your province button and link back to the party! Hope you will come and join in!

    1. Ms. M, since I am using Remind 101 during my student teaching placements I haven't been able to utilize a classroom website or access parent email yet (although I plan to use both when I have my own classroom).

      So far I have only utilized Remind 101 with my students and have found it to work wonderfully. I am not sure if I will use it with parents in the future. I might send home a note when I get my first classroom and see what platform parents prefer and then go from there.

      Thank you for inviting me to your blog party, I am checking it out now :)

  4. This isn't really about this post, but you don't have a post for your summative project yet, so here's some random thoughts.
    Good luck in your job search.
    I already know you'll do great student teaching.
    It feels weird knowing we're not all going to see each other 4 times a week, but we've got twitter et al, as well as BYTE and other conferences where we can meet up.
    Balance time between the cows and the classroom ;) Keep quadding and doing things for fun.
    I'm very happy you don't have to commute any more.

    1. This comment makes me sad because I am going to miss you and all our other ed friends! :( Good luck with your job hunt too, who knows, maybe you will end up working close? Either way we will need to keep in touch. You and Kristen are always welcome at our place (especially since you know where we live now!).
      Maybe next year we can meet up again for another BYTE appearance? I'm thinking we could share about how awesome our student blogs are (assuming we have students who are blogging).
      Can't wait to see all of the great videos you will be making with your new snowball mic; your summative project was an amazing start!
      PS. Thank you for the great cookies


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