
Thursday 6 September 2012

Student Teaching Schedule

     Today was the first day of school for student's in our school and it was a busy one! During the first 3 periods of the first day of school, our entire school does a "trial run" of a full day's schedule so I met all 125-ish of my Cooperating Teacher's students in about an hour! To say it was a bit overwhelming would be an understatement but it definitely was interesting to see how our school began their first day with students.

     I also had my schedule change THREE times today... which makes that a total of FIVE times this week! When I first posted that I was student teaching again I mentioned that my cooperating teacher, taught History and French. Since I don't speak French, I sat down with the principal and we came up with a schedule that would give me plenty of experience with different grade levels. I now officially have FOUR cooperating teachers and will be covering four different subjects and five different grades.

Here are my teachers:
"Ms. R" - She is actually my fiance's cooperating teacher (he is teaching
                   Phys-ed when I am with her) who has taught for over 20 years
                   in Canada, China and Africa.
                 - I will be with her in Periods 1-2 to teach Grade 11/12 World
                   Issues. We are still determining what units I'll be teaching when
                   I return. 
"Mr. L" - He has been teaching Industrial Arts for over 20 years and is
                  now teaching an ICT class as well.
                - I will be with him in Period 3 to teacher Grade 9/10 ICT and
                  will be covering Publisher software.
"Mr. O" - My original cooperating teacher who has been teaching for
                  about 18 years.
                - I will be with him in Periods 4-5 to teach Grade 11 Canadian
                  History. When I return in October I should be teaching
                  Canadian Confederation and the Metis Resistance.
"Mrs. P" - In her third year of teaching, I hope that she can provide me
                   with tips on the hiring process since she has just gone through it!
                 - I will be with her in Periods 6-7 to teach Grade 4 Social Studies
                   and will be starting with a unit on Nunavut.

     I am really excited because I have only ever had male teachers for cooperating teachers and, with this new schedule, I am now with two female teachers as well. I am also pleased to have teachers with such different backgrounds. I can't until October when I come back and will actually be teaching!!


  1. Oh how exciting!! My student teaching sounds crazy but nothing like yours. From August to mid-November I am teaching grades 1 & 2 English Language Development classes in Reading, Writing, Grammar, Oral Conversations, Math, and Strategic Thinking. Then Mid-November to the end of the year, I am teaching all general subjects in Grade 3 only.

    Think, Wonder, & Teach

    1. It is so interesting to see how student teaching varies from one program to the next! At times I wish that we could have one full year of student teaching as opposed to 4 student teaching placements spread out over 2 years but I do like having the time to go back to classes after each placement and reflect on what we've learned. I am hoping that so many grades will be a good experience and won't get too overwhelming :) I'm following your student teaching on your blog so maybe I will learn some things that can help me with the younger grades so I can modify it for my Grade 4s!


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