
Monday 10 September 2012

Resources To Start Off Your Week 34

     My first (VERY short) stint of student teaching is now completed and I am back at university for regular classes until mid-October. It is a really exciting feeling to be starting my last year of school before I become certified as a teacher... in EIGHT shorts months I will be graduated and can start searching for teaching positions!! Hopefully, I can then use some of these great resources that I found. As always, I will be adding them to my lists of resources under the Fav Websites heading.

1 ) Science Bob
- Science Bob is a fun website that houses a lot of neat science
   information including videos, experiments, science fair ides,
   featured science questions and more. This is a great website
   to add to your science resource repertoire!
- I really like that Bob is committed to making science appeal to
  students and parents. He even has a "Random Act of Science"
  initiative which is a great idea!

science videos, science fair ideas, science fair projects, science resources for the classroom, science lesson plans, science resources for students, science for kids

2 ) Creswell Crags: Virtually The Ice Age
- The Creswell Crags Museum & Education Center has put together 
   an online learning resource to help students learn more about
   The Ice Age and the Creswell Crags archeological site in Northern
   Britain. This resources covers everything from virtual survival tests 
   and geological timelines to excavation techniques and cave art.
- This website could be a great subject to include as a specific case
   study about the Ice Age or even as supplementary material. 
   Designed with education in mind, the website offers a lot of great
   learning resources that can easily be implemented in the classroom!

creswell crags learning resources, ice age resources for the classroom, ice age resources for students, prehistoric resources for the classroom

Happy Monday everyone!


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