
Tuesday 2 December 2014

December Currently

If you haven't encountered a "Currently" post before, it is just a fun post at the beginning of each month that serves as a way to share what is Currently going on in your life! You can link up and share your own "Currently" post by visiting the wonderful Farley over at Oh' Boy 4th Grade.

     I can't believe it is already December! The last currently post I did was ALL the way back in September and it seems like everything has just flown by since then. Christmas is one of my favourite times of the year and I love getting together with friends and family that we don't see very often. From a teachers perspective, however, this time is extremely chaotic!

     One awesome thing is that December brings back hockey season and I am my husband's number 1 fan! I usually drag along my mother-in-law or friends as well so it is the perfect social outing :)

A photo posted by Kirsten Thompson (@misslwbt) on

A video posted by Kirsten Thompson (@misslwbt) on


  1. I would love to be a morning person, it would defiantly make life easier! Good luck with your tech PD.
    Frampton's FUNdamentals

  2. I agree with needing to become a morning person! Just get me my 3 cups of caffeinated tea…

    Happy Holidays!

    Glitter and Gradebooks

    1. I am definitely caffeine addict: coffee, tea, pop... you name it! Its not a good thing but it gets me by.

      Thanks you for stopping by!

  3. I hear you on needing to be a morning person. In my mind, I want this, but I can't get my body to cooperate!

    1. I'm exactly the same way! I have great intentions and then it just never seems to work out :(

  4. Thanks for this content on the blog.


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