
Friday 5 September 2014

Classroom Reveal!

     During the last week of school in June our school began major renovations which included redoing the exterior walls of an entire wing of our building, some roofing restructuring, and a brand-new science lab/classroom. While everyone in our building was (and still is) excited about these upgrades, the construction may continue all the way until January. Understandably, this is creating a lot of inconveniences as we all adjust to new classrooms, half-finished classrooms, unavailable resources, loud noises, etc.

     Amidst all of the craziness, however, I was surprisingly able to keep my classroom! I am so thankful that I didn't have to pack-up and move to a whole new area. The science lab construction is directly beside me, which makes for some loud days, but I am very fortunate compared to some of our teachers.

     With that being said, here are the official pictures of my room for the 2014-2015 school year! While I've maintained a lot of the basic themes and ideas from last year, I feel more organized this year after experiencing the routines of a classroom:

View looking in from the door!
Last year I had to seat enough for 30 students but
this year I only have to accommodate 20; I love how
much more room there is!!
My Math Area at the back of the room.
For a close up of my "Do You Think Like a Mathematician"
posters and a free download, check out my classroom revealpost from last year!
The Student Supply area in the back-west corner of the room.
The bookcase against the wall houses our Mental Math, Interactive
Notebooks, textbooks (hidden behind the black curtain), and will eventually
include student binders. The other shelf holds our microwave for lunches,
paper, and general supplies. (see close-ups below!)

Bookcase close-up
General Supply close-up.
View of the west wall of my room. I added the curtains as an
accent this year and made them out of plastic tablecloths and duct-tape!
The Chill-Out Area!
This year I was able to add a beautiful carpet depicting the
seven teachings! I love how the colours through the carpet and
my posters tie the room together.
The front of my room.
This year I added the numberline along the top of the whiteboard.
The News Area section of my whiteboard. Each class has their
own area but I've also housed the master Interactive Notebooks
for each math class to keep track of.
I also got a new filing cabinet so I'm no longer holding supplies under
Information Central!
This area holds all of my teaching resources since I got rid
of my desk last year. The top of the counter holds our hand-in box,
my out-box, and an area for extra photo-copies.
Our Tech Area!
This area is used for our blogging projects and is where the
hook-ups for the SMART Board are.
     While not a lot of large-scale changes occurred this year, I am loving my classroom and feel way more prepared this year!

     Wishing all the teachers out there an awesome back-to-school start!

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