
Wednesday 1 January 2014

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone!
     As I sit here typing this I realize just how little I have been blogging the past few months (in comparison to my average). Leading up to September, my life was relatively calm compared to the organized chaos that is the life of a first-year teacher. Prior to this point my blog posts had been a way to further the learning that was occurring as I made my way through my education degree, reflect on any PD that I attended, share interesting ed tech resources that I found online, etc. While I feel that I want to maintain the content of my blog, I know that I need to work on prioritizing and organizing the multiple requirements that pop up in the classroom. Trust me, I am not giving up on blogging anytime soon, I am just working on finding time for everything!
     With that in mind, New Years brings me a lot of excitement as it was my New Years Resolution in 2012 to start this blog! 397 posts later and that is still the only New Years Resolution that I have EVER successfully kept!

     2013 was a HUGE year for me and my husband, and I couldn't be more thankful for all of the wonderful memories we've been able to make. In short, my 2013 "Highlight Reel" includes:
In 2014 I am looking forward to:
- Presenting at the 2014 BYTE Conference
- Presenting at the MTS Awakening Possibilities Conference
- Applying to begin my Master's Program
  (wish me luck!)
- Completing my first-year as a teacher
- Renovating our home with my husband
  (not teaching related, but still very exciting!)
- Beginning my 2nd year of teaching
  (I already feel like I'll be so much more prepared!)
In 2014 my New Year's goals are:
1 ) To blog at least 2 times each week
2 ) To leave work at work
3 ) To go to the gym regularly
     (I need a non-education hobby)
4 ) To spend more time with my dog
     (He is an outdoor dog & I'm a suck in this cold weather!)
5 ) To begin my Master's Program
Nothing too revolutionary... I feel like my goals are pretty standard,
 but I also feel that they are very practical and relevant!
Now it is your turn, what are your New Year's goals this year?


  1. Yay! I am glad you're starting your masters :) We must figure out a way to connect during our studies!

    1. Thanks Mary! There is still the matter of getting accepted into the program, nothing is official yet (but I will keep trying until I get in!) I was thinking we should also do another collaborative post sometime in January or February (give us something to work on)


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