
Sunday 5 January 2014

Back To School Organization

     Today marks the last day of our Christmas holidays, meaning that school is back in full-force tomorrow. After a relaxing two weeks I can honestly say that I am heading back to school refreshed and ready to go!

     I didn't realize it at the time, but I was definitely feeling exhausted when Christmas hit. Teaching is a profession that isn't done when the day ends at 4:00pm and I think that it can be difficult to find a balance (especially in that first year when you're trying to "do it all"). This break has allowed me to take a step back from the classroom and focus on myself... my family... my life. It has also allowed me to work on some of the organizational aspects that I've determined I was lacking before!

     Over the past week I have been focusing on organizing certain aspects of my life in order to cut down on some of the stress that is bound to occur once I am in the routine again. Here are two of the main things I've been working on:

1 ) Organizing My Closet into Outfits
- Rather than have my closet organized by type of item, I
  began organizing my closet by full work outfits (complete with
- Now I just need to grab a hanger and know that I'm ready
  to go for the day!

2 ) Pre-Planning Meals
- The other day I spent 4 hours preparing over 30 meals that
  I've frozen and will only need to throw in the crockpot. Don't
  get me wrong, I love cooking, but I am beyond excited to know
  that supper will be ready when we get home! Plus, spending
  four hours of prep for a month of meals works so well for me.
- If you're interested in this idea, I was inspired by this post by
  Katie and even got some neat recipes from her.

crockpot cooking, crockpot freezer cooking, prepare marinades before you freeze meat
Sauces & spices for over 30 recipes prepped & ready to add meat & veggies!
crockpot cooking, crockpot freezer cooking, prepare marinades before you freeze meat
Once all the ingredients are in then it is off to the freezer!

     Hopefully these two things will help keep me organized going back into the school-year! What tips/tricks do you recommend in regards to at-home or at-school organization??

I'm still celebrating my 2 Year Blogiversary!
Make sure you check out my post to enter for a
Mystery Prize Package Giveaway.
blogiversary giveaway, blogiversary celebration, blog giveaway, manitoba teaching blog


  1. I'm so jealous of all your freezer meals! I want to do that but find it so overwhelming! Not so much the cooking but the shopping.

    1. Thank you! There actually wasn't a lot of extra shopping to do (mostly veggies and chicken), I found that I had most of the spices already in my pantry and my husband is a beef farmer so I didn't have to worry about that. Plus, you really only need to shop once for the month!

  2. I love it! I totally did the same type of thing - I seriously cleaned and organized all of my cupboards and closets. I went crazy at IKEA and bought so many organizing items (boxes, shoe rack, etc). I also built an IKEA desk, chair, and bookshelf!

    I also had a massive cooking day where I filled my freezer - freezer cooking is the best!! I never thought to blog about it - oh well! Hope your first week back is going well. Mine's officially over :)

  3. And I totally used a few recipes off the same website!!! Haha.


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