
Sunday 1 December 2013

2 Stars & a Wish: Week 13

     Tis' the season! December is upon us and there is only 15 teaching days left until Christmas holidays. Technically it is even less since I am away at a conference 2 days this week and we have some spirit activities in the last week that will take away from class time. Again I fell off the reflection-bandwagon due to the craziness that is report cards & parent-teach interviews but I am committed to keeping with this! Two things that I think went well this week are:

1) Incorporating Student Suggestions in My Grade 10 Class
- Shortly after report cards went out I asked my students to give me a
  report card (anonymously) so they could share their thoughts on the
  class. I feel like my students answered very honestly and, since then,
  I've been trying to incorporate their suggestions whenever possible.
- Some examples of this has been having my students create their own
  rubrics for assessment, providing more choices with assignments, &
  building in instructional groupings so students who need more
  explanations can get assistance and students who don't can go right into

2) Having My Students Getting More Excited About Blogging
- Previously, I had a few students who were apprehensive about
  blogging since their writing could be seen by anyone. They would be
  nervous when they were picked as a blog scribe for the day and would
  spell-check again and again before hitting publish.
- This week, I shared Dean Shareski's blog posts about Why You Can't
  Click Publish, with my students. He talks about how publishing a book
  is designed to answer all questions on the topic while a blog is always
  evolving and meant to be a ongoing piece of work that invites
- After this I had one of my students who had previously been nervous
  about blogging actually blog twice this week!

     This week I am away both Tuesday & Wednesday so it is my goal to plan efficient and effective substitute plans for my substitute teacher. I've never been away for two days in a row and when I've previously had a substitute teacher my students were near the end of a unit and mostly working on unit projects. The majority of my classes have just begun new units and are still developing their skills in the topic. I hope it all goes well!!

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