
Monday 14 October 2013

Resources To Start Off Your Week 80

     Holy moly, has it really been 3 weeks since I had a Resources To Start Off Your Week post?!? It seems like it has been forever. I have been posting, I just have been posting other awesome things on Mondays... Anyways, today is Thanksgiving and I was reminded of how thankful I am for all of the amazing people who are willing to share their ideas and experiences online. To honour this, I wanted to make sure that I shared some resources with you! As always, I will be adding these to my lists of resources under the Fav Websites heading.

1 ) U of A: Aboriginal Science Education Resources
- This page features a lot of awesome resources for teachers who are
  interested in incorporating Aboriginal perspective into their science
- By clicking on the Aboriginal Lesson Resources, users can search
  through resources specifically designed for high school biology or
  elementary classes. Even if you are not teaching in one of these specific
  areas, I think this website has a lot of helpful ideas.

aboriginal perspective in science, aboriginal perspective resources

2 ) Periodic Table of Videos
- If you are a science teacher then this website is for you! The
  Periodic Table of Videos does exactly what it says, and presents
  a video for each of the elements on the periodic table.
- When you click on an element, students not only get to see the
  atomic number and symbol, but they also get to watch a video
  about the element.
- This is a great option for your visual learners and can even be
  used as a sample if you are interested in creating a similar project.

periodic table of videos, periodic table of elements, periodic table of elements for visual learners, teaching about the periodic table

Happy Monday everyone & Happy Thanksgiving!

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