
Tuesday 17 September 2013

Welcoming My Grade 8's to the Blogging World!

     Today my Grade 8 Science class joined the blogging world with the official launch of Mrs. T's Classroom!

     They will be using their blog to:
- Share their learning with an authentic audience
- Catch up on lessons that were missed due to absences
- Review lessons to get a better understanding
- Connect with other classrooms around the world
- Integrate multimedia of all descriptions
  (text, images, videos, podcasts)
- Practice responsible digital citizenship
- Receive feedback on their thoughts

     To celebrate we had a full-out Launch Party complete with whole-school announcements, a count-down to our first post, a visit from our school principal, and pizza!

The self-appointed "PR Staff" making announcements over the PA System so
everyone knew about their launch!
A proud group shot to commemorate the event!
A party isn't complete without pizza!
     I would love if you could head over to their blog and let them know that they have an audience and/or give them some blogging tips! Visit them at:

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