
Monday 26 August 2013

Resources To Start Off Your Week 76

     It is here; my first week "working" as a teacher! Now, I put "working" in quotations because the teachers in our division aren't actually back until next Tuesday, but any new teaching staff starts their orientation this week (including both me and my fiance!). While I have been in my classroom sporadically over the past two weeks, I will now be there full-time when I am not in meetings with our divisional staff. I am very excited to get the final touches complete so that I can do a big reveal and be ready for students. As of right now... there are 10 days until students are back with us!

     In the mean time, here are three great ed resources that you can utilize in your classroom(s). As always, I will be adding these to my lists of resources under the Fav Websites heading.

1 ) New Old Stock: Vintage Photographs
- Curated by Cole Townsend, this website features vintage photographs
  that are public domain and not licensed under any copyright restrictions.
- This is a great image option to share with your students when they are
  looking for images to use for projects!
- The one thing I do not like is that there is no search options or categories
  and users simply have to scroll through the pages of photographs to find
  what they are looking for.

royalty free images, public domain images,  royalty free pictures, public domain pictures

2 ) How To Add Live Web Pages to PowerPoint Presentations
- This tutorial shows someone, step-by-step, how to add in a live web
  page into a PowerPoint presentation. When giving presentations about
  ed resources I find that I am jumping back and forth between the internet
  browser and my presentation.
- This tutorial taught me how to embed a website directly into the presentation
  so I don't have to flip back and forth anymore! This is really handy as I am
  teaching my students how to use Blogger this year and would like to have
  the web page inside of my presentation.
* Thanks to Tyler for sharing this resource with me!

how to embed a website into PowerPoint, how to put a website into power point

3 ) ICT Magic's PLN Map
- This interactive map allows users to visualize the Twitter PLN. Educators
  can add their work location and teaching category (primary, secondary,
  resource, etc) to the map at any time!
- This is a neat project to show how information travels around the world
  (this project started with a simple Tweet) and to show how big the Twitter
  PLN actually is.
- Add yourself to this map by following the link :)

Happy Monday everyone!


  1. If you are looking for using Windows 10 Fax and Scan multiple pages by flatbed scanners or printers, you should know that the Fax and Scan app built-in on Windows 10 computer is a very basic one.

    Scanning multiple pages into one document might seem tough if you do not know how to windows scanner multiple pages . If you are one of them who work with documents of many pages regularly, this post is going to help you.

    However, it is not very easy to do this work for free. There are a few paid tools that offer you this. In this article, I am going to talk about the tools you need to have to do it along with other tips on different scanners for scanning multiple pages into one PDF. Let’s get started.


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