
Thursday 1 August 2013

Back To School Goals

     Hello August! There is only 28 days until I am in New Teacher Orientation (*happy dance*) so I thought it was the perfect time to link up with the amazing Jess at I {heart} Recess for her Back to School Goals Linky party. I love that she has built in professional and personal goals as I think it is so important for teachers to maintain balance!
I {Heart} Recess

back to school goals
When I was still in university we had a fitness center in the building that I lived in so it was very easy to be in a consistent workout routine. Now that we are at home (and 20 minutes from the nearest town) I have fallen off the bandwagon and am in need of a non-school activity!

Being that it is my first year in the classroom I feel like I can only imagine how easy it is for things to pile up. I am trying to prepare as much as possible through the summer and hope to keep on top of things as the year progresses. I know it won't be easy but I will be trying my best!

I have planned out a lot of potential activities for all of my classes and have consciously tried to incorporate various materials so that I can:
- Meet different learning levels
- Meet multiple intelligences
- Meet large-group, small-group, and individual situations
- Meet tech and no-tech situations, etc
I want to make sure that I don't get into the routine of using these materials, however, simply because I have them. I want to ensure that I am always listening to my students and using what best suits them (not just what I have easy access to).

Similar to my organization comment... I want to make sure I can stay on top of things. In addition to the everyday commitments of a teacher I will also be doing some presentations on Digital Ethics in our division, am serving on the ManACE Board, maintaining my blog, presenting about blogging... and possibly applying to take my Masters Degree. While it seems like a lot, they are jobs that I am truly passionate about and enjoy pursuing. 

My goal for my students is for them to enjoy the learning process. I strive to make my lessons relevant and meaningful for my students so that they can enjoy coming into the classroom and don't feel like they are doing something "because they have to".

With everything that encompasses being a teacher I think it can be easy to get overwhelmed and lose focus on what is important: the kids. My motto is to take a step back, look at the big picture (your version of the big picture), and focus on positivity. Teachers spend up to 8 hours a day with their students, we owe it to them to find the happy things in life.

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