
Tuesday 23 July 2013

Particle Theory of Matter Resources

     My curriculum planning is almost half way done now as I've currently completed my year-plans for:
- Grade 7 Science
- Grade 8 Art &
- Grade 8 Science
So far I've been sharing with you the resources I've found and incorporated into my Grade 7 Science unit, including my posts on Interactions with Ecosystems and The Earth's Crust. The next, and longest, unit in the curriculum discusses the Particle Theory of Matter and has practically double the curriculum outcomes of The Earth's Crust unit.
states of matter, particle theory of matter, particle theory of matter grade 7, particle theory grade 7, manitoba grade 7 science curriculum, particle theory resources
Molecular Model of the Three States of Matter. (2013). Uploaded by scienceportfolio1p1 wiki. Available online at:
     This unit caused me the greatest amount of difficulty so far because it is the furthest out of my comfort zone and it is so much longer compared to the other units. One of my biggest concerns was holding student attention on the subject for almost three months. To assist with this, I built in a lot of science experiments and projects and left room for student choice so they can explore the areas that interest them the most.

Intro to Particle Theory of Matter
Enduring Understanding: The particle theory of matter is a scientific theory used to describe changes of state.
7-2-01     Use appropriate vocabulary related to their investigations of the 
                particle theory of matter.
                Include: boiling and melting points, pure substance, scientific theory,
                particle theory of matter, temperature, heat, conduction, convection,
                radiation, mixture, solution, mechanical mixture, homogeneous,
                heterogeneous, solutes, solvents, solubility, concentration, dilute,
                concentrated, saturated, unsaturated, terms related to forms of energy.
7-2-05     Explain what scientific theories are, and provide some examples.
                Include: a scientific theory helps to explain an observation; when this
                explanation has been repeatedly tested and shown to be consistent it is
                generally accepted in the scientific world.
7-2-06     Describe the particle theory of matter and us it to explain changes of state.
7-2-13     Differentiate between pure substances and mixtures by using the particle
                theory of matter.
                Include: a pure substance is made up of one type of particle; a mixture is
                made up of two or more types of particles.

Heat & Energy Transfer
Enduring Understanding: Energy has many different forms that often give off heat when transferred.from one substance to the next.
7-2-02     Evaluate different types of thermometers using the design process.
7-2-03     Demonstrate the effects of heating and cooling on the volume of solids,
                liquids, and gases, and give examples from daily life.
7-2-04     Compare the boiling and melting points of a variety of substances and
                recognize that boiling and melting points are properties of pure substances.
                Include: water.
7-2-07     Differentiate between the concept of temperature the concept of heat.
7-2-08     Demonstrate how heat can be transmitted through solids, liquids, and
                Include: conduction, convection, radiation.
7-2-09     Plan an experiment to identify material that are good heat insulators and
                good heat conductors, and describe some uses of these materials.
7-2-10     Use the design process to construct a prototype that controls the transfer of
                heat energy.
7-2-11     Recognize that hat energy is the most common by-product of energy
                transformations, and describe some examples.
7-2-12     Identify different forms of energy that can be transformed into heat
                Include: mechanical, chemical, nuclear, electrical.

Solutions, Substances & Mixtures
Enduring Understanding:  Solutions and mixtures are two different substances that are affected by a unique set of factors.           
7-2-14     Differentiate between the two types of mixtures, solutions and mechanical
                Include: solutions - homogeneous; mechanical mixtures - heterogeneous
7-2-15     Classify a variety of substances used in daily life as pure substances,
                solutions, or mechanical mixtures.
7-2-16     Identify solutes and solvents in a common solid, liquid, and gaseous
7-2-17     Describe solutions by using the particle theory of matter.
                Include: particles have an attraction for each other; the attraction between
                the particles of solute and solvent keeps them in solution.
7-2-18     Demonstrate different methods of separating the components of both
                solutions and mechanical mixtures.
7-2-19     Identify a separation technique used in industry, and explain why it is
7-2-20     Experiment to determine factors that affect solubility.
                Include: agitation, surface area, temperature/
7-2-21     Describe the concentration of a solution in qualitative and quantitative
                terms, and give examples from daily life when the concentration of a
                solution influences its usefulness.                  
                Include: dilute, concentrated, grams of solute per 100 mL.
7-2-22     Demonstrate the difference between saturated and unsaturated solutions.
7-2-23     Discuss the potential harmful effects of some substances on the
                environment, and identify methods to ensure their safe use and 

     In addition to hard-copy resources I have available in the school and from colleagues, I also started to organize some online resources to supplement our classroom activities. Here are the resources I found, organized by the themes I stated above. For each one I've included the title, a very brief point about what it includes, and the link. 

Intro to Particle Theory

Middle School Chemistry
- Great overall resource for teachers & students

BBS Ks2 Bitesize Science: Solid, Liquid, Gas
- Game, articles, & quizzes

Scientific Method Rap Song
- Musical option
- Sang to Just a Dream: Nelly

Puff the Magic Soap Discrepant Event Lab
- Heat Transfer in Solids

4 States of Matter Song
- Musical Option
- Review activity, sang to In the End: Linkin Park

Scientific Method Song
- Review activity

Heat Transfer

Ups & Downs of Thermometers Lesson Plans
- Teacher resources, lab activities, student handouts

Balloon Burst Lesson Plan
- U of M Project
- Heat Transfer lab

Viscosity Explorer
- SMART Board Interactive
- Explore heat affect on viscosity

Heat Transfer Song
- Review activity
- Sang to In My Head - Jason Derulo

Heat & Temperature Song
- Sang to New York City Boys: Pet Shop Boys

Jumping Flame Lab Discrepant Event
- U of M Activity

Gas Particles in Motion Webquest
- Good online activity if you have a substitute

Heat Loss & Insulation Lab
- U of M Activity

Wonderville Heat & Temperature Game
- Large group activity on SMART Board
- Center activity on iPad or option if done early

Particle Theory Review Notes
- Teacher Resource Notes

Substances, Solutions & Mixtures

Chem 4 Kids
- Intro & Mixtures
- Handouts, supplementary activities, good for substitute

How to Speed Up Chemical Reactions Ted ED Lesson
- Video, multiple choice questions, discussion
- Enrichment activity

Dancing Raisins Lab
- Classify Substances & Solutes/Solvents

Different Colours of Black Lab
- Separating mixtures technique

Mixtures Separating Song
- Musical option
- Review activity, sang to Work Out: J Cole

Mixtures & Solutions Notes
- Teaching Resource Notes

Swirling Milk Discrepant Event Lab
- Pure and mixed substances
- Large group activity

Chemical Reactions Song
- Musical option
- Review activity, sang to Gold Forever: The Wanted

Magic Mixture Lab
- Corn Starch Goo Recipe

Pure Substance & Mixtures Lab
- Goo

The Solutions Song
- Sang to Don’t Stop Believing: Journey

Ascending Popcorn Discrepant Event Lab
- Particle theory to explain fluids

I hope you find these resources as awesome as I do! If there is something you think I should add to my list let me know, I'd love to hear about the awesome things you are using with your class :)


  1. Thanks for posting all this! I am happy to have found your site. I also teach grade 7 and this will come in handy as I prep for Science classes.

    1. I'm glad it is helpful to someone :) Good luck with everything this year!

  2. I am teaching grade 7 science for the first time this year, and while working on dividing the outcomes into 3 essential groups, I stumbled across this post. You just saved me hours! Thanks so much for sharing. Happy "back to school!"

  3. I love it thank you for the help . I am a student in grade 7 and I appreciate the information !

    1. me too I have a science essay and this helped me a ton! Thanks

  4. Thank you very much for your wonderful posts. They have been extremely helpful and explained so beautifully for students to understand. God bless you for your great efforts.

  5. Im teaching grade 7 for the first time and I was wondering if you taught the unit in order of the groups you categorized the SLOs in? Also, any other tips in regards to teaching this unit? Thank you for this blog post!! It sure has helped!


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