
Monday 11 March 2013

Back to Student Teaching!

     Today marked my first day back to student teaching at "S-School"! This is my LAST student teaching placement before graduation and, as of May 4th, I will have officially completed all of my requirements for graduation! Last Tuesday was my last day of on-campus classes and I am so excited that I get to spend the last 8 weeks of my university career in the classroom doing what I love :) Here is a glimpse at my schedule:

student teaching

     I am actually back with two of my previous cooperating teachers as well as a new cooperating teacher who is also the principal of "S-School". Here is an overview of the teachers I will be placed with:

"Mr. L"
 - He has been teaching Industrial Arts for over 20 years and is 
    now teaching an ICT class as well.
- I was placed with him last semester and taught Microsoft Publisher
- I will be with him in Period 3 to teacher Grade 9/10 ICT and will be
  covering Digital Storytelling
"Mr. O" 
- My original cooperating teacher who has been teaching for about 18 years. 
- I was placed with him last semester and taught Grade 11 Canadian History.
- I will be with him in Periods 1-2 to teach Grade 10 Geography and
  Periods 4-5 to teach Grade 11/12 Agriculture
"Mrs. B" 
- Also the principal of "S-School"
- I will be with her in the afternoon to teach Grade 8 Social Studies and will 
  be covering Ancient Greece & Rome

     I am very happy to have the opportunity to return to "S-School" and see the students that I was introduced to last semester. I can't believe that I am finally in my last student teaching placement and that, soon enough, I will interviewing for classroom positions! I'm also sending good thoughts and wishes to all the other student teachers who began their placements today, hope you have an amazing experience :)


  1. Tried commenting on this post earlier. Not sure if it went through. Goodluck at the student teaching! I know you will do fabulously! @mlbertram

    1. It didn't go through but I had someone else tell me they had problems commenting too! Maybe it is a glitch :(

      Thank you so much though!


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