Teaching to Diversity Cover. (Accessed 2014). Uploaded to Amazon; Portage& Main Press.
Available online at: http://www.amazon.ca/Teaching-Diversity-Three-Block-Universal-Learning/dp/1553793536
- The essence of the education system is still closely modelled after
the post WWII design, which did not address inclusive education
- Inclusive education has been formally addressed by UNESCO for
more than ten years
- Policy on Inclusive Education
- Every province in Canada has a policy towards inclusive education
- Manitoba's policy is called the Appropriate Educational Programming
Act or Bill 13
"Inclusion is a way of thinking and acting that allows every individual
to feel accepted, valued, and safe."
- Many times, students are placed in the classroom but are on such
an individualized program or segregated with an EA that they are
not involved in the social or academic life of the room
- Inclusive classrooms help all types of students (gifted, low achieving,
those with learning disabilities, etc)
- Perceived lack of resources, lack of training, or unavailable support
leads to resistance towards inclusion
- Incorporating the Universal Design for Learning has been part of the
Appropriate Educational Programming Act since 2005, yet many
schools have not incorporated it
- Curriculum Development and Assessment
- Curriculum does not always allow for cross-curricular opportunities
which result in students sometimes covering similar topics in
multiple classes without the teachers realizing it
- Standardized testing has not been changed to be inclusive
- Community Education and Involvement
- Teachers and parents should see each other as allies
- Make sure that what you asking of families is realistic; try to find
their strengths
* Case Study: Jose (reading with a light box)
School Divisions: Supporting Inclusive Education
- Creating a Vision for Inclusion
- Segregated classrooms leads teachers to believe that other teachers
are responsible for "those students"
- To successfully implement change, divisions need to:
1 ) commit to and believe in inclusion
2 ) see difference as a resource
3 ) encourage collaboration between staff & students
4 ) encourage willingness in staff
5 ) approach inclusion as a social/political/academic issue
6 ) commit to inclusive ideals
- Professional Development and Capacity-Building
- Teachers need support and regular feedback with new ideas,
just like students do
- Implementing UDL on a school or divisional level requires a multi-
year plan
- Some tips for UDL include:
1 ) Focus on the big picture, you can't choose to just differentiate
assignments yet still keep students in rows. Focus on one of
the three blocks, if needed
2 ) Have school "experts" that have been trained in certain aspects
and can help support others
3 ) Bring in a professional for PD
4 ) Follow up
- Hiring Qualified Personnel
1 ) Teachers need to have a strong understanding of curricula
2 ) Teachers need to mix their understanding of disabilities,
teaching strategies, and curricula, so they know how a
student will interpret the information
3 ) Teachers need to take full responsibility for their students
4 ) Teachers need to fully understand their students as
I looked more into the Manitoba Education Philosophy on Inclusion, which is summarized as:
- Inclusion is a way of thinking and acting that allows every individual to
feel accepted, valued, and safe. An inclusive community consciously
evolves to meet the changing needs of its members.
- Through recognition and support, an inclusive community provides
meaningful involvement and equal access to the benefits of
- In Manitoba, we embrace inclusion as a means of enhancing the well-
being of every member of the community.
- The philosophy of inclusion goes beyond the idea of physical location
and incorporates basic values and a belief system that promotes the
participation, belonging, and interaction
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