
Monday 21 January 2013

Resources To Start Off Your Week 50

     Week 50! I am excited to have two great Resources To Start Off Your Week that I have found through my great PLN on Twitter! As always, I will be adding these to my lists of resources under the Fav Websites heading.

1 ) Blogging Prompts for Teacher Candidates
- This collaborative Google Doc project features hundreds of writing
   prompts for teacher candidates (and any person in the education
- Topics include issues related to ethical use of technology, pedagogy,
  ed tech & cognition, personal tech habits, tech tools, issues with
  access, future of education and more!
- I will definitely be using the ideas in this document in the future!

educational blogging, blogging for teachers, blog ideas for teachers, writing prompts of educators

2 ) HipHughes History 
- If you haven't already subscribed to the HipHughes YouTube Channel
  you should go do so right now! Keith Hughes, a YouTube Next EDU Guru,
  has created hundreds of videos (approximately 30 minutes or less) to 
  teach about World History, US History, Politics and more!
- Keith seems like an awesome teacher and his videos are very engaging!
  He uses a lot of different music, backgrounds and eye-catching intro clips
  to catch your attention quickly. I really like that Keith's explanations really
  seem like he is talking to a class, not a robotic scripted speech like some
  edu-videos I've watched.
- I like that he has created playlists so that videos are easily searchable by

HipHughes History YouTube Channel, history podcasts, educational youtube videos, youtube next edu guru

Happy Monday everyone!


  1. Why, I think these resources are fantastic! Especially the HipHughes site, of course being him, I am preferential to myself. Be sure to check out the description in my newer vids for links to tons of other edu peeps on YouTube. The best thing about YT is there a teacher for ecery type of learner in every type of class.

    Thanks for sharing, I love awesome curators! ~HipHughes

    1. Thanks for visiting Keith! I will have to spend some time going through those links and checking out some of the other awesome people out there in your network :)
      Looking forward to seeing more of your videos!

  2. Here are 2 more teachers you should look into:
    Amy Burvall & Herb Mahelona Hawaii, USA

    They're real History Teachers. Their music/videos are very good. Grade School, High School, College, & University students use the videos. Fellow teachers & professors have praised them. Adults, long done with their educations have enjoyed & learned from them! Their Youtube site has 24,500 subscribers. Their videos are listened to in Russia, have been translated into many languages, and crossed the Chinese Internet Firewall, into China.

    To see all 52 awesome videos:

    Amy Burvall's Official Web Page (Biography, etc.):!

    Their Twitter Feed:!/historyteacherz

    Their Facebook Page

    This is Amy Burvall's WIX site:!home/mainPage

    Here is Amy Burvall's Tumblr Log:

    Here is Amy Burvall's Twitter Feed:!/amyburvall

    This is Amy Burvall's Soundcloud page

    Here is one young lady who was inspired by them to make her own videos:

    Here is a good math/science link (Mr.Edmonds), not related, either), is here:

    Then, there is Dan Rojas at Green Power Science on YouTube
    (Kids, do not try this stuff at home, ok!)

    A good person to follow on twitter for ideas, and links and resources is:
    Ana Cristina Pratas
    Twitter: @AnaCristinaPrts
    Passionate about education & using ICT to enhance learning; interested in online education, music & photography; can't live without sea, sun & open skies.
    UAE ·

    Me? Just a fan, spreading the word of good things to see & hear!
    Thanks! Pete

    1. Pete, thank you so much for all of these great links! Right now I am just looking through some of the videos on the History Teacher's YouTube Channel but can't wait to get to the rest as well! I really appreciate you sharing such a detailed list of resources for me to check out :)


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