
Wednesday 2 January 2013

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone!

     I actually started writing this post and then quickly realized that my New Year's resolution last year was to start blogging!! How did I forget that?!? In fact, in 2 days I will officially be blogging for a year! I have no idea how I forgot that but I am so excited to have finally accomplished a New Year's resolution (I don't think that has ever happened to me before)!

     If you have been following my journey over the past year you probably noticed that some of my opinions, thoughts and ideas have changed and developed during my time in my education degree. I can't believe that in just FOUR short months I will be graduated and could potentially have a teaching job lined up (fingers crossed)! I have learnt so much in such a short time but I know that teaching and education is always changing and that I will keep evolving as I make my way through this journey. It is definitely interesting and beneficial to have this blog as documentation of how I have grown over the past year.

     I strongly believe that my blogging has better prepared me for a potential teaching job. It has been incredibly beneficial for me to be able to reflect and revisit the information I am learning in my classes. I also couldn't be more thankful for all of the wonderful people that I have connected with through my posts. I have been able to connect with other student teachers, seasoned teachers, principals and parents from all over the world and have learnt so many valuable things. With this being such a big year for me I have decided to share what I am looking forward to AND what my New Year's goals are!

In 2013 I am looking forward to:
1 ) Graduating university after 6 year of undergrad and after-degree programs!
2 ) Presenting at the 2013 BYTE Conference
3 ) Applying for teaching jobs and getting my own classroom! (I'm being optimistic)
4 ) Getting married (not teaching related but HAD to throw it in!)
5 ) Not having to travel back and forth to university anymore
6 ) Organizing and decorating my classroom
7 ) Meeting my students

     It is hard to believe how fast the past year has flown by. At this time last year it seemed like there was still SO MUCH time before I would be able to apply for jobs and now it is almost right around the corner! I have a feeling that, with all the exciting things happening this year, this year will go by equally as fast but I am definitely looking forward to everything that comes my way.

In 2013 my New Year's goals are:
1 ) Continue blogging regularly
2 ) Graduate with "greatest distinction" in May
3 ) Get a teaching job in our area

I know that these goals aren't super creative but I would definitely give them an A+ for practicality! 
So now it is your turn, what are your New Year's goals this year?


  1. Congrats on your coming blogiversary and your upcoming graduation!

    I am happy to be your newest follower.

    Compassionate Teacher

    1. Thank you so much Becky for your kind words and for following :) I've added your blog to my Google Reader and am looking forward to following your work!

  2. Thanks so much for the congratulations! I appreciate you checking out my post. I was wondering if you needed help with your giveaway! Let me know if there's something I can provide you with! Congrats on one year!

    Buzzing with Ms. B

    1. Well actually, the giveaway I'm doing is a mystery prize package where I am creating a package (valued at $30) that is tailored to the winner (once they've won and I've learnt a bit about them). If you would like to, perhaps we could collaborate once we know a winner? I really appreciate your offer, it is so sweet!


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