
Thursday 6 December 2012

Professional Portfolio Feedback

     Yesterday I posted about how I was presenting my teaching portfolio in class today as part of a "portfolio fair" in my Science Methods class. In addition to presenting it to my peers, I also posted it to my Facebook and Twitter accounts as well to try and get more feedback.

     As promised, here are some of the comments & suggestions that I got:

1 ) Good use of pictures
     - People liked that I had photos in addition to text so they could really visualize
        what I was trying to get across

2 ) Play up the fact that it is electronic
     - What does it offer that couldn't be offered through a traditional hard-copy
     - I think I am going to add a video or audio clip introducing myself instead of
        just having the paragraph that I have now

3 ) Well organized and easy to read
     - This was one of the things that I liked about using Weebly to create my
        portfolio, it is easy to use and requires no personal HTML formatting

4 ) Double up information
     - I had difficulty re-posting information more than once in my portfolio (for
       example, if I had something listed under employment on my resume, I might
       have not had it listed under "teaching experience" which was a different
    - My prof pointed out that there is no gaurantee that someone will look at
      EVERY page, so make sure they don't miss any information that they might
      be looking for

5 ) Good highlight of volunteer background
     - I hope that this will show that I am willing to be involved in other aspects of
       the school instead of just my own classroom

     These were just a few of the comments that I received and once I re-do my portfolio again I will re-post it and share again :) Thank you to everyone who took the time to go through it and share their thoughts :)

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