
Thursday 20 December 2012

12 Days of Christmas Giveaway! Day 7

Welcome to Day 7 of my 12 Days of Christmas Giveaway!

giveaway, free classroom resources, free lesson plans, christmas giveaway

Everyday, yes, EVERYDAY for 12 full days I am giving away a classroom resource that I have developed to everyone who visits! It is, however, the holidays so I'd love for you to spread the Christmas cheer as well and link up to give away a resource of your own

You can link up and celebrate with us for 1 day, 2 days, or all 12 days! 
I don't care, as long as you host one giveaway to spread the Christmas spirit :)

12 Days of Christmas: Day 7 Giveaway!! 
Diverse Perspectives on Natural Resources Lesson Plan 
& Seven Teachings Assignment

In the Grade 10 Geography curriculum students look at natural resources. This 5 page lesson plan, assignment, and assessment rubric addresses how First Nations communities may look at natural resources by showcasing the Traditional Seven Teachings.
This is a great lesson plan because the Seven Teachings touch every aspect of our day-to-day lives so this idea can be modified to meet the needs of any classroom subject!
This 5 page lesson plan includes activating, acquiring and applying strategies for your students!
seven teachings classroom resources, the seven teachings, traditional seven teachings, the seven grandfathers
Full 5 page lesson plan, assignment and assessment rubric available on Google Docs via

seven teachings classroom resources, the seven teachings, traditional seven teachings, the seven grandfathers
Here is a picture of the completed assignment courtesy of my Grade 11 class during student teaching!

Tune in EVERYDAY for the next 5 days to take part in my giveaway and please link up and share in our celebration!

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