
Sunday 23 December 2012

12 Days of Christmas Giveaway! Day 10

Welcome to Day 10 of my 12 Days of Christmas Giveaway!

giveaway, free classroom resources, free lesson plans, christmas giveaway

Everyday, yes, EVERYDAY for 12 full days I am giving away a classroom resource that I have developed to everyone who visits! It is, however, the holidays so I'd love for you to spread the Christmas cheer as well and link up to give away a resource of your own

You can link up and celebrate with us for 1 day, 2 days, or all 12 days! 
I don't care, as long as you host one giveaway to spread the Christmas spirit :)

12 Days of Christmas: Day 10 Giveaway!! 
Settlement Patterns PowerPoint Presentation

Yesterday I featured a PowerPoint presentation on population so it seemed natural that the next resource would build on that.

As some of you may know, I live in a community of only 300 people so I definitely do not fit in with settlement pattern trends!
 This 20 slide PowerPoint presentation covers Settlement Patterns in regards to Canadians facts, dispersed patterns, concentrated patterns, population density, mega cities, and more!

settlement patterns lesson plans, teaching about settlement, human geography resources
Full 22 slide PowerPoint presentation available via Google Docs at
Tune in EVERYDAY for the next 2 days to take part in my giveaway and please link up and share in our celebration!

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