
Sunday 11 November 2012

My Evaluation From My Students

     Tomorrow we will start our LAST week of our student teaching practicum and I can't believe how fast it went by. I am so sad to think that I will be leaving my students already but I am happy about how well everything has gone over the past four weeks. I have had two formal evaluations by my supervisor from our university as well as two evaluations by each of my cooperating teachers and they have all gone wonderfully! I am happy to say that I received some great feedback as well as gaining some wonderful references for my resume.

     As much as I appreciate all of the feedback from these evaluations, however, I really wanted to know what my students actually thought of my teaching. Not only did I wonder about their general thoughts, but I also had some questions about whether I was accomplishing what I had laid out in my teaching philosophy. So I decided to put together a quick review that my students had the option of anonymously completing while I was out of the room. Some were rating questions (on a scale of 1-10) while some asked for a written answer.

     When I got the reviews back I was so happy!! Here are some of the answers I received:

To me, these types of evaluations are much more meaningful than the formal ones I receive. This is why I love being a teacher :)


  1. What a great idea! Would you mind if I used this idea for my own practicum?

  2. Thanks Michelle! I have done this idea twice now during my practicums (once in Grade 10 and this time with my Grade 11 class). I find it really helpful to see what the students are actually thinking because it can be hard to gauge their thoughts at times.
    Let me know how your evaluation by your students goes!

  3. This is a great idea Miss L and the comments must have made you feel on top of the world! I loved that you acknowledge the different ways students learn and had this as the first question. Did you discuss the types of learning with your students or do they know this from prior knowledge? I think if we as teachers are more aware that every student learns in a different way we will be much better educators and if students understand how they learn, they may just be better learners. Great work!!!

    1. Thanks Kylie! I was definitely on cloud 9 when I was reading them, it made me wish I had my own classroom right now!

      Yes, I did discuss different learning styles with them and we often made reference to it in class. On my very first day we discussed learning styles and completed a survey to help us determine what learning style(s) we align with. I am happy to say that we had a lot of good conversations about how we need to do a lot of different types of assignments so everyone has an opportunity to learn in a way that best suits them. I found that the really liked learning about learning styles and it made them more aware of our assignment choices.

      Thank you for your kind words :)


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