
Sunday 18 November 2012

Back to the Life of a Student!

     My student teaching placement officially finished up on Friday and I am so sad that it had to come to an end! Now don't get me wrong, this placement was definitely my most intense one yet (if you couldn't tell from my severe lack of posts during the past few weeks) but I still didn't want it to finish.

     I am not sure if it is because I am getting more experience or if it had to do with the school itself, but this was the first time I had really felt like I knew my students. I don't mean just knowing their name and if they play on a school sports team or not, but like really knew them. I knew where all of my students worked, what their home life was like, what their relationships were like with other students and teachers, what they wanted to do after they graduated, etc. This is why I didn't want to leave. It is hard to be SO involved in a student's life and then just have to leave.

     My student teaching placement, in general, was amazing though. The staff was welcoming and supportive, the admin was amazing and very to-the-point and the students were awesome! Throughout the week I will be doing some reflective posts on some of the major projects that my classes worked on during my time at "S-School" since I couldn't find time to post while I was there. (Make sure you check back because there will be some great lesson plan ideas!)

     As of tomorrow both my fiance and I are back at university to finish up the last four weeks of this semester's classes so I will definitely be posting more regularly again!


  1. Another step closer to finishing! Hey, won't you love it when your posts will be part of Internet for Educators next term?

    1. It is so exciting! I can't believe that I can be interviewing in only a few short months!!
      I can't wait for the class, I am all registered and ready to go :)


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