
Thursday 13 September 2012

WBT Blog Bug Update!

I have been trying to re-organize and update our WBT Blogger Master List on Google Docs over these past few weeks!

whole brain teaching, whole brain teaching blogs, wbt blogs

Here is whats new:

- I have updated to include recognition of our new Social Media Intern positions!
- Some blogs have been upgraded from "dormant" to "active" status now that 
  they have started blogging again, yay!
- Some blogs have lost their "active" status :( Make sure you visit these ones and
  get them back on the blogging bandwagon!
- Some blogs now have more information available to fill in those sections that may
   have been listed as NA (thanks for sending me your info!)

** There are FOUR Social Media Interns that I don't know if they have a blog or not. If you do, please let me know so I can add your new position to our information.

** If you have completed your WBT Certification please let me know. I want to add a new section in the next few months to recognize this as well.


  1. Beautiful photos! I just discovered your blog and I'm a follower from Technology Tailgate.


    1. Thank you Maria! I am a faithful follower of Technology Tailgate, there is so many amazing resources shared through that site. Thanks for visiting and following :)

  2. The list is looking wonderful! Thanks for taking the time to keep it up to date. Is there any way I can be added to the list? I am a 2nd Grade teacher from Ohio and my blog is EduKate and Inspire ( I have been using WBT for 1 year and am starting to blog about it this year! You can email me if you have any questions at Thanks!

    EduKate and Inspire

    1. Thanks Kate, it is always great to hear from people who are using the blogger list to keep up-to-date with other WBT blogs! I'm happy to add yours to the list. We have many bloggers in the 2nd Grade as well as Ohio so perhaps that will provide a good networking opportunity for you. Best wishes :)


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