
Friday 21 September 2012

WBT Blog Bug Highlight: WBT Classrooms!

     I think it is safe to say that us teachers are back into our regular school routines at this point. My American followers have been at school for over a month already while my fellow Canadians have now had a solid two weeks back in the classroom. As some of you may know I am in my LAST year of university before I become a certified teacher and, as such, I am living vicariously through all of you as you posted beautiful pictures of your classrooms. (I even posted about my "Dream Classroom" because I was feeling left out).

     Well now that everyone is back and in full swing I wanted to share some amazing WBT classrooms from some of my favourite WBT bloggers.
- Didn't have time to finish up that last project before your students returned?
- Wasn't happy with how one of your boards turned out?
- Want to switch things up now that you have met your students?
     These classroom pictures sure provided me with some classroom decoration inspiration and I hope they do the same for you!

super improvers wall, SIW, whole brain teaching improvers wall, wbt improvers wall, how to track student behaviour

Liann over at My Whole Brain Teaching Blog has shared some great photos of her classroom. Here is one part of her amazingly organized Super Improvers Wall setup. She uses this wall to personally record student behaviour and has a separate, super colourful, Super Improvers Wall for her students to post their sheets once they've passed a level!

super improvers wall, SIW, whole brain teaching improvers wall, wbt improvers wall, how to track student behaviour

April from Wolfelicious has truly committed to creating a cohesive Rock & Roll theme in her classroom this year. Here is a close up of her Rock'in Improvers Wall which is her play-on-words of the WBT Super Improvers Wall. Super cute!

whole brain teaching, wbt rules, the five rules of whole brain teaching, how to use the whole brain teaching rules

Dana over at Fun in 1st Grade really has some great bulletin boards and displays throughout her classroom. Here are her WBT Classroom Rules. I really like the loose leaf background of the posters, perfect for the classroom!

whole brain teaching, whole brain teaching genius ladder, wbt genius ladder, how to teach sentences with wbt

Farrah from Mrs. Shipley's Fabulous Firsties put together an AMAZING classroom set-up series on her blog over the summer. Here is a photo of her classroom Genius Ladder. I love how the use of texture to really make it stand out.

whole brain teaching power pix, wbt power pix, power pix boards

Deanna from A Year of WBT in a Third Grade Class has put together a great set-up for her Power Pix Wall. My favourite part is the cohesive look of the coordinate grid around the bulletin boards, so organized!

Want to read more from great WBT bloggers? Check out the WBT Blogger Master List via Google Docs!

To learn more about setting up your WBT Classroom, check out the FREE e-book, WBT Model Classroom.

whole brain teaching, wbt, whole brain teaching blogs


  1. These are great bulletin boards. Thanks for sharing them.

    I'm your newest follower. Hope you stop by and visit my blog.

    Granny Goes to School

    1. They truly are cute aren't they? Thanks so much for following :) I am heading over to your blog right now!


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