
Monday 17 September 2012

Resources to Start Off Your Week 35

     Today is a very exciting Monday because I just reached 200 Followers, yay! I am currently working on a great giveaway celebration that I will post about later this week (probably tomorrow because I am pretty excited). In the mean time, here are some neat resources I just found this week. As always, I will be adding them to my lists of Fav Websites.

1 ) Go Social Studies Go
- G.S.S.G is a website that has content organized and developed by
  actual Social Studies teachers as a means of engaging the different
  types of learners we find in a 21st Century classroom.
- Information is broadly organized into topics such as World Religions,
  Geography, World History, etc. Each topic features various images,
  maps, videos, text, and activities. As this website was designed by
  teachers, it can be used to find info for your class or you can send your
  students right to it and they can explore individually.
* I found this website took quite a while to load, but it may have just
   been my connection.
social studies resources, social studies in the classroom, social studies webquest, social studies resources for students, social studies resources for the classroom
2 ) Chem Reference
- This interactive periodic table of elements displays detailed facts about
   the various elements simply by clicking on them. Not only can facts be
   found quickly but students can also look at the structure of elements and
   easily link up to a corresponding Wikipedia article on the element.
- This would be a great reference to share with your students as an easy
   way to access information.

chemistry, periodic table to elements, chemistry resources for the classroom, chemistry resources for students, chemistry tips

Happy Monday everyone!

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