
Thursday 27 September 2012

Come to Our School's Science Program!

     This week we had an assignment in our Science Methods course to create a presentation that could theoretically be used during an open house to draw potential students to the school and enrol in the science program. My partner, Tyler, and I created a fictional school called the "Why? School" where all of our science curriculum was inquiry based and designed to answer the question, why.

     Here is a prezi that we used in conjunction with the verbal explanation of our program as well as an in-class science demonstration. Our presentation was meant to showcase some of the topics that students would explore during the first year in our science program.

** This prezi was created by Tyler as he is WAY more creative than I am!


  1. Loved the Prezi! I haven't tried making one with that kind of zoom effect... it was fun to watch!

    EduKate and Inspire

    1. Thanks Kate! That was all Tyler's creativity, he has made some really amazing presentations with Prezi.


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