Tuesday 26 June 2012

WBT Certification Update!

     So a week has gone by since I shared that I am working my way towards becoming an official Whole Brain Teaching Certified Instructor and I am happy to say that it is going AMAZING!

     If you are new to my blog, I blog every Wednesday in a post called Whole Brain Teaching Wednesday. These posts cover everything from my experiences with WBT in the classroom and how WBT strategies relate to what I am learning in my university courses to information on specific WBT strategies and how they work in the classroom. Turns out, these posts are exactly the type of reflection pieces that the Director of WBT Certification, Nancy Stoltenberg, is looking for. Through conversations with her she let me know that these past posts could be submitted for certification points in addition to any future posts I may write.

     You may notice that I have a new tab at the top of the screen titled Whole Brain Teaching Certification and from now on I will be posting all my WBT Certification information there. This includes any medallions I may receive, links to my certification posts (whether they are on my blog or on the forum) and my current certification points. If I do post certification posts on my blog, however, they will still be in my regular Whole Brain Teaching Wednesday posts (stay tuned for one tomorrow).

     How has WBT Certification been going for everyone else? I'd love to hear updates as I know most of you are still actively teaching, organizing for next year or attending university during the summer, ah! I'm sending out best wishes to everyone as you work on your many projects!

Medallions: Posts (15), Instant Bonus (2), Conference (1), Artistic Blog (1), Blog followers (94)

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